

[Spain] Ernesto Maleno: “Transculturality is the reality to which we are called in these times, a loving response to so much violence and disintegration”.

Accepting the new global reality means recognising the increasing disappearance of cultural and even physical barriers. Activists like Ernesto Maleno are championing and working in Spain with the concept of transculturality to promote integration across borders. Ernesto Maleno is a…

5th Maghreb Social Forum on migration takes place in Nador, Morocco

From the 23rd to the 25th of June the fifth Maghrebi Social Forum on migration is taking place in the city of Nador under the slogan “Never again Chinatown. For a Maghreb free of all hatred, xenophobia and racism”. The…

Half a hundred bookshops declare war on war

The campaign ‘More books: it’s war!’, supported by bookshops and publishers, will be demilitarising thought and defends the right “to criticism, dissidence and rigorous, truthful and independent information”. Fifty bookshops, publishers and book agents have launched the campaign More books:…

The Cáceres mine gets closer and closer

In Spain, the people of Cáceres oppose the implementation of a mining project that the government continues to promote in spite of everything. As the author of this article says, “the administration is agile with large companies and slow, very…

Neither Putin nor NATO. Demonstration against the war in Madrid

Numerous mobilisations have taken place in recent days in Spain to mark the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, calling for an end to the war and “military spending on schools and hospitals”. With the slogan “No to war.…

Where are we heading?

The global chessboard of geopolitics and the interests of the world’s economic power is making us more and more prone to a world war if we do not avoid it. On such a chessboard, political leaders instead of uniting to…

Spain: No appointments, no rights

Applicants for international protection denounce that they find themselves without the right to be so, as Spain has failed to fulfil its obligation to protect them by not facilitating access to the application for such protection. For this reason, on…

Spain: Seven years of gagging and a cloak of impunity restrict and undermine the right to protest

New Amnesty International investigation as debate on the Gagging Amnesty International is calling on the government to guarantee the right to peaceful demonstration and on parliamentary groups to make legislative changes to facilitate this by amending the Gagging Law and…

From all over Spain, rally for higher public pensions and wages and against privatisation of public services

Collectives from all parts of Spain met in Madrid on 15 October in defence of public pensions and their revaluation, for the elimination of the gender gap in pensions; in favour of a rise in salaries based on the real…

High-end ignorance

Much has been made of the story of the kick to culture that a Minister of Culture, Esperanza Aguirre, let loose in the form of a slap in the face, when, speaking on a radio programme, cultural, of course, about…

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