
South Korea

Korean crisis: “The U.S. never sees its own violations as wrong”

Americans are instructed that North Korea is an aggressor that violates international agreements and doesn’t negotiate. Until North Korea denuclearizes, we are told, the U.S. must continue rejecting its peace proposals. After all, North Korea withdrew in 2003 from the…

Humanity sadly lacking in both Koreas

In 1905, Japan made Korea its protectorate. Under the Japanese, Koreans were deprived of land and food, forced into labor, forbidden to publish newspapers, required to adopt Japanese names and worship Shinto shrines, victimized by medical experiments, bullied in school,…

What is driving North Korea to nuclear madness?

Another cycle of conferences started this week in Vienna to culminate in a conference to review the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2020.  States Parties and civil-society organisations have exchanged views in the general debate and in a number of…

Hundreds of thousands of South Koreans demand president’s resignation

Hundreds of of thousands of protesters in South Korea have taken to the streets of the capital Seoul to demand the ouster of President Park Geun-hye, who is embroiled in a power-peddling scandal.  Organizers expected as many as a million people…

No to nuclear tests and military exercises, yes to peace and disarmament on the Korean Peninsula

On the 2nd of September, the joint South Korean-US military exercises known as “Ulchi-Freedom Guardian”, in which more than 50 thousand Korean and 25 thousand US soldiers took part to “review joint defence strategies”, came to an end. The USA…

South Korea: religious leaders’ peace conference

Northeast Asian Leaders to Cooperate for Alliance of Religions and Peace HWPL holds a Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Religious Leaders’ Peace Conference Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea – A Korea- China- Japan Trilateral Religious Leaders’ Peace Conference was held in Gyeonggi, Korea on…

United youth voice demands for peace in South Korea

In many cities besides Seoul, including Sydney, New York City, Manila, Shanghai, Cape Town and Oakland; youth, women, and citizens generally marched for peace on May 25, 2016, with the behest to replace the current culture of war with a…

An invite to end all wars

Invitation to watch the live broadcast of the Proclamation of Declaration of the International Convention for Cessation of War To Whom It May Concern: It is an email from the Hong Kong office of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of…

Congress in Seoul on Basic Income

Deadline for proposals for the 2016 BIEN Congress extended to Feb. 29 January 29, 2016 Andre Coelho Event, News, News & events The deadline for the call for  proposals for the 16th BIEN Congress has been extended to Monday, February…

Lampedusa, Italy and Gangjeon Village, South Korea win 2015 IPB peace prize

The IPB is delighted to announce its decision to award the annual Sean MacBride Peace Prize to two island communities who, in different circumstances, show proof of a profound commitment to peace and social justice. LAMPEDUSA is a small island…

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