

Milan: We are all Greek

A sign in the colours of the Greek flag around their necks “We are all Greeks”.Many Milanese expressed their solidarity with the plight of the Greek people and in favour of the “No” campaign in the referendum and against blackmail.…

People of Berlin send a loud OXI to Athens

On the evening of Friday 3rd July, thousands of people gathered in Berlin for a demonstration under the slogan “Nein! Oxi! No! to austerity – Yes to Democracy!”. Organized by Blockupy Berlin, a broad section of the population and followers…

Solidarity with Venezuela in the U.S.

Cities throughout the U.S. will hold actions of solidarity between January 22nd  and January 31st. Events to be held in Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York, Philadelphia & Tucson. The People of the U.S. declare: “WE…

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