
Social protest

Looking Back To Those Martial Law Days

September 21, 2018. The Philippines commemorates the 46th anniversary of the proclamation of Martial Law, with rallies and events expressing the hope that we never forget those “dark days” in our history, that we never fall back into clutches of…

Resistance Is In the Air

Last Monday, Elin Ersson, a young Swedish student, boarded a plane at the airport in Gothenburg, Sweden, bound for Istanbul. The plane was crowded as its crew prepared to take off. Ersson stood up in the aisle, protesting that a…

Red for Ed: The Teachers’ Red State Revolt Rolls On

If you drive the southern route between Frankfort, the capital of Kentucky, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, your halfway point will be Memphis, Tennessee. The route forms an arc, a shape on the minds of many on this 50th anniversary of…

Argentina: The right to protest in danger

We publish a translation of the statement by the Centre for Legal and Social Studies in Argentina in the light of the violent repression against pensioners protesting against cuts to their pensions recently legislated for in Buenos Aires. By CELS…

Thousands of Militants Mark International Human Rights Day with Rallies and Protests

“Human rights do not have the universal application that would be desirable because they do not flow from the universal power of the human being, but only from the power that one part now exercises over the whole. If even…

Catholic Church stages Prayer Power for Healing of the Philippines

It was the Sunday right after the Filipino people’s traditional visit to their beloved dead in the cemeteries along with their additional remembrance of those killed extra-judicially in the government’s bloody centerpiece war on drugs as implored by different religious…

Huge march in Berlin “against hatred and racism”

A huge march took place on Sunday in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin to protest against hatred and racism in Parliament, while the recently elected legislators of the nationalist and anti-immigrant party, Alternative For Germany, prepare to take…

Forbidden to vote, demonstrate or think: Enough is enough!

Catalonia is experiencing a political catastrophe with repercussions in all areas of society. Mariano Rajoy is preparing the ground to sow Article 155 based on a policy of lies. The last few months have seen the utmost tension in Catalonia,…

The Resistance to Health Care Repeal Rolls On

The rolling resistance to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare, is, literally, rolling. At the forefront of the protests against the various draconian repeal bills before the U.S. Senate are people in wheelchairs. Organized…

Brazil: Temer Deploys Army to Capital Amid Massive Protests

In Brazil, President Michel Temer has authorized the deployment of the Army to the capital Brasília amid growing protests demanding the president’s ouster. On Wednesday, tens of thousands of protesters marched to Congress to demand Temer’s resignation. Some demonstrators also…

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