
Social protest

The demonstrations of international support for the Chilean people continue

Yesterday we published a photo-report with a significant number of demonstrations in support of the Chilean people that are being held in various places and today we continue to receive material from new similar actions. Here are the photos taken…

Tomás Hirsch: “We can see that the Chilean people woke up”

The former candidate for Chilean president and founder of the Humanist Party, Tomás Hirsch, said: “It is a people who have lived on a miserable salary, with unbearable pensions that do not allow them to live, with rising electricity, water,…

XR Co-Founder Discusses Climate Emergency

Extinction Rebellion (“XR”) has hit the world stage like a flash of light with participants in more than 70 countries all within one year’s time. Its allure is simply “telling the truth” about the climate crisis… for a change. A…

Mario Aguilar [Chile]: “Never again a negotiation behind people’s backs”.

We reproduce here the words of the President of the Teachers Union of Chile and member of Unidad Social – which is calling for a national strike tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, October 24, more information at: – at a…

Chile: Humanists and the Current Moment

Hello friends, It is difficult to make a synthesis of what we are living, but in the attempt to transmit our point of view, I’ll tell you a little. I believe that we are witnessing something that Humanism has been…

Chile: It´s not 30 pesos, it´s 30 years

“It’s not 30 pesos, it’s 30 years” is a slogan that was repeated Sunday in many social networks and protesters banners who continued to go to the streets throughout the country. “30 pesos” refers to the rise of Santiago Metro…

Comparative Political Leadership: Gandhi vs. Contemporary Leaders

On 2 October 2019, it will be the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mohandas K. Gandhi in Gujarat, India. I would like to reflect on the visionary leadership that Gandhi offered the world, briefly comparing it with some national…

Pa’lante Puerto Rico, Pa’lante

Just before midnight on Wednesday, Puerto Rico’s Governor Ricardo Rosselló announced in a pre-recorded video message that he would resign, effective Friday, August 2nd. This capped close to two weeks of non-stop protests. In Old San Juan, cries of “¡Ricky…

New protests against climate change in UK

The environmental group Extinction Rebellion returned to the streets of the United Kingdom today to protest against official inaction on climate change, and in solidarity with the activists arrested at last April’s demonstrations. We are here to demand that the…

From Demonstration Effect to Revolution?

For the past eight weeks, the people of France have been mobilizing every Saturday in demonstrations in small and large cities throughout the country, and in smaller groups at roundabouts and tollgates, from where they’re making their grievances and demands…

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