
Social protest

Fifa World Cup: June 12 protests flood the world’s media

Demonstrations, strikes and violence have reached the global media. Attention is turned towards the protests taking place all around Brazil as the World Cup starts. June 12 started out with Galeão airport partially paralysed by demonstrations. In São Paulo, at…

Taiwan students occupy parliament over China trade dealings

Students and other mostly young protesters made the media as they held banners inside Taiwan’s legislature in Taipei, March 18, 2014. They burst into the Legislative Yuan late Tuesday and fought off police efforts to get them out. Media aired…

Wave of Fukushima-based protests warn of ‘new age of risk’ for UK’s nuclear power stations

Opponents of nuclear power will be converging all over the UK next week to mark the third anniversary of the ongoing Fukushima disaster  – and to highlight the precarious state of Britain’s own nuclear reactors. The recent spate of flooding has…

Protest assemblies plant seeds for a Bosnian Spring

By Mitra Nazar for Waging Nonviolence “We want to show our politicians what real democracy is,” said one young Bosnian protester in the streets of Sarajevo. “We’re building democracy from scratch, like the Greeks did,” commented another protester, who is a…

Non-violent protests of refugees in Germany

Over a year ago, refugees in Germany started organizing themselves in order to protest in a publicly visible form against the human rights violating institutional practices like the forced isolation through the prohibition to leave the district of your asylum-seekers…

Ukraine: Deal Proposed to Hold Early Election After Deadly Violence

Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych announced concessions to his pro-European opponents on Friday, including a plan to hold early elections, but it remains unclear whether the opposition will accept the deal. At least 47 people died on Thursday in the most…

Massive protests in Berlin against agricultural industry

Berlin, Jan 18, 2014. In a very colorful march about 30.000 people demonstrated with the slogan “We are fed up!” against critical aspects of industrialized agriculture. The topics were as diverse as the participants and the speakers on the podium:…

UK councils may outlaw peaceful demonstrations

Campaign groups warn that peaceful protests could be outlawed across Britain because of a legislation, which grants councils new powers to criminalize behavior deemed capable of causing a “nuisance or annoyance.” Campaigners argue that the Anti-Social Behavior, Crime and Policing…

More Than 50 Arrested at Wal-Mart Protest in Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, more than 50 people were arrested outside a new Wal-Mart store on November 7 night in what organizers hailed as the largest single act of civil disobedience ever against the retailer. The workers are protesting what they…

Remember Remember the 5th of November…

Anti-austerity events were organised by different groups in London in front of Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Parliament square and Westminster bridge, to coincide with similar actions in many countries around the world. In the UK it was bonfire night,…

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