
Social protest

South Africans march in support of immigrants

Economic difficulties in South Africa have led to a rise in xenophobia with a number of people being attacked and killed in Durban recently as a result of King Zwelithini of the ethnic Zulu tribe saying that immigrants should return…

Czechs demonstrate against US troop movements on their territory

In Prague’s Wenceslas Square some 1500 people demonstrated yesterday, Saturday 29th March, against Operation “Dragoon Ride” in which US army personnel and equipment are crossing Czech Republic territory starting today on the way to their German base. Speeches were given…

Telephone shutdown in R.D. Congo puts women in danger

Words and photos by LolaMora Productions Between the 20th of January and the 8th of February, Gislaine’s income dropped by 50 dollars a day – usually she takes between 70 and 90 dollars – from her business recharging mobile phones.…

Demonstrations against the European Central Bank in Athens and Thessaloniki

Marianella Kloka, activist with World without Wars and Violence describes the spontaneous demonstrations today in Athens and Thessaloniki against the strong response of the ECB to the proposals of the Greek Government. The atmosphere is like the public demonstrations of…

How to disconnect from a source of intense irritation

The West is behaving with unspeakable physical violence against the Muslim world, just as the Western economic system is behaving with unspeakable economic violence against their own populations.  It is not a surprise that unspeakable physical violence by “terrorists” in…

We all have something sacred

For some it’s their God, for others Democracy. There are those for whom human rights are inalienable and for several others the most Sacred is found within human beings. That thing that cannot be conceded, or sold, or forgotten, something…

Thousands at anti-corruption protest in Budapest

Anti-corruption protests took place in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, tonight following Prime Minister, Viktor Orban’s refusal to dismiss the head of the tax authority, Ildiko Vida, who has been accused of having ties to corruption by the US government’s refusal…

Mexico Burns as Outrage over Student Disappearances Sparks Protests Against State-Backed Violence

Protesters in the Mexican state of Guerrero have set fire to the local legislature as outrage spreads over the disappearance of 43 students. The students from Ayotzinapa teacher’s college have been missing for nearly seven weeks after they were ambushed…

Remember, it’s a pro-Hong Kong Movement

A staunch supporter of western democracy, Apple Daily, today, 28 October, 2014, heralded the disturbing news that, according to its way of seeing China affairs, the future of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme is ‘in peril’, not looking promising,…

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