
Social media

Human Touch through Virtual Space and Time

This morning, I woke up and found this lovely note from an old college friend on my Facebook page which, for some reason, touched my heart. Sure, we receive notes and posts like these which at times may sound mushy…

Making Journalism King of Informational Content Online

By Fackson Banda Fackson Banda is Programme Specialist in the Bureau of UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC). PARIS (IDN) – As social media expands, journalism is more special than ever: This is the conviction expressed by…

We are making a difference and we will carry on

To see solutions to the overall problems facing various societies today we need to look beyond the systems that are in place today, mostly in westernised and imposed forms. I say western because largely that’s the most fast moving and…

Let’s not burst our only balloon

If you start pumping air into a balloon, you should expect that eventually it will burst. Each balloon has specific limits to absorb air. Our world is like a balloon. Surprisingly, we are pumping air into it but not expecting…

What Is Revolutionary Media?

What Is Revolutionary Media? 3 Key Ideas July 20, 2015 by Kit O’Connell @KitOConnell   The following essay is based on a short presentation I gave Saturday at Monkeywrench Books in Austin, Texas as part of “Imagining Revolutionary Media,” a…

Paulo Genovese’s presentation at the Pressenza Workshop of the Global Media Forum

My presentation is focused on Brazil, especially in the protests of June 2013. Millions of people took to the streets in hundreds of cities. It started with 20 cents. This was the amount of the increase in public transport fares…

China nervous about what goes on in the sphere of cyber-communication

Lionel Mok is a Hong Kong resident whose work frequently takes him into China. He has a strong interest in Chinese affairs, current, historical and cultural. Pressenza asked Lionel about social media in China and its affect on change, especially…

Do you know who you are talking to?

People pretend to be someone else in chat-rooms, in Second Life, in Facebook in Twitter, everywhere. The electronic world has made it “normal”. If someone in the past had pretended to be someone else such behaviour would have been considered…

Anti-fracking social media closed but cyberbullying flourishing

“Fracking  or hydraulic fracturing is the fracturing of rock by a pressurised liquid in which typically water is mixed with sand and chemicals, and the mixture is injected at high pressure to create small fractures to extract  such as gas…

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