
social inequality

Jeremy Corbyn is right: billionaires and poverty should not coexist

It’s ludicrous to suggest that we need billionaires to incentivise work and wealth creation. Luke Hildyard for openDemocracy billion pounds is an almost incomprehensible amount of money. One of the most successful tricks that the rich and powerful have pulled…

Kazakh President Urges Religious Leaders to Help Resolve ‘Civilizational’ Problems

Viewpoint by Nursultan Nazarbayev The author is the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Following are extensive excerpts from his opening address to the two-day Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions on October 10, 2018 in Astana,…

Italy, Germany and the EU’s Future

The once powerful center-left went down to defeat. As it accommodated to capital, it eroded its trade union base. It bailed out banks and financial speculators, while inflicting ruinous austerity measures on their own populations to pay for it. When center-left…

Thursday’s Date with Calls for a Fairer Chile

Viewpoint by Pía Figueroa* SANTIAGO (IDN) – Every year, as they have been doing since 2011, students in Chile take to the streets each Thursday, demanding a free and good quality education system. They are increasingly being joined by their…

This is thrilling life-extension news – for dictators and the ultra-rich

Longevity science may divide us into treated and untreated: the first living ever longer, the second dying even younger than now George Monbiot, The Guardian, Monday 7 July 2014 19.15 BST Once it was a myth. Now it’s a dream.…