
Single Use Plastic Ban

Experts Highlight Impacts of Microplastics to Environment, Human Health

April 18, 2024, Quezon City— Days before the celebration of Earth Day, environmental and planetary health experts sounded the alarm about the prevalence of microplastics in the ecosystems and their insidious effects on our health. During the seminar organized by…

PBBM Urged to “Clean Up” and Act Urgently on Plastic Pollution

“Taking stock of President Marcos’ commitment to solving the Philippines’ problem with plastic pollution and climate change, we urge the President to take immediate concrete actions to end plastic pollution. We reiterate our call to ban single-use plastics,” says Reynaldo…

Philippine consumer and environmental groups urge government to tackle plastic pollution at source: ban single-use plastics

12 March 2021. Consumer advocacy group Laban Konsyumer Inc. and environmental health group EcoWaste Coalition have jointly urged the government to tackle plastic pollution at source such as by banning single-use plastics (SUPs). Through a joint statement to mark this…