
Silo’s Message

Humanists call on MEPs to work for a culture of peace and nonviolence

Among the events taking place on the 2nd of October, the International Day of Nonviolence, was a March in Madrid which started at the Syrian Embassy and ended at the offices of the European Parliament. At the Syrian Embassy an…

500 torches mark the International day of Nonviolence in Budapest

500 people gathered in Budapest’s Heroes Square on Friday evening, 2nd of October, to mark the International Day of Nonviolence. Organised by different communities of Silo’s Message in the city, mostly through a campaign on Facebook, people came together to…

Silo’s revolutionary opus

Pressenza marks five years since Silo, the Argentinean author, nonviolent revolutionary and spiritual guide, passed away on the 16th of September 2010 at his home in Mendoza, Argentina, with this tribute by our columnist, Javier Tolcachier. Asked by a journalist…

Park of study and reflection inaugurated in Hungary

On the 22nd and 23rd of May 2015 more than 500 people gathered from all over the world to witness the official inauguration of the gate, hall and stele of Mikebuda Park of Study and Reflection in Hungary.  The small…

May the 4th: The Day of Testimony

“From this magnificent place we should consecrate this movable day so that in the future it will be known as the ‘Day of Testimony’: a testimony that gives privilege to this human attitude and that is itself justified above all…

A spirituality emerges from the heart of the Andes

The long chain of snowy peaks hugging a diverse America, Andean mountains conjugated in endless hues; from within those mountains, like a treasure to be discovered by humanity, a spirituality is being born, infecting bit by bit the entire spectrum…

Panchomania is not enough. A New Spirituality for a New Humanity

Pope Francis I (Papa Pancho by his hispanophone nickname) has made an attempt to soften up the stance of the Catholic Church with respect to homosexuality. At no point did he propose a change in the doctrine of marriage being…

Twelve years of Silo’s Message

E.H. de Casas – Mendoza, July 2014 This July we celebrate Silo’s presentation of his message in July of 2002, twelve years ago; and on several occasions more in that year Silo presented it, precisely as Silo’s Message. I remember…

Why people travel from all over the world for an encounter of Silo’s Message in Punta de Vacas

A remote outpost on the foothills of Mount Aconcagua, the highest mountain of the Andes Range near the Argentinean/Chilean border has been for several years, at the beginning of January, the site for an encounter of Silo’s Message, attended by…

Moving towards the Centre: interview with Rafael Edwards

Rafael Edwards has been working through drawing, painting, modelling, photographing the world and matter from the standpoint of Universal Humanism since childhood. His career can be observed and summarised in: His photos in: I found “Rafa”, as we…

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