

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: A Call for Justice, Reconciliation and Solidarity

June 26th marks the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, a date designated by the United Nations to remember and reaffirm our commitment to eradicate this cruel violation of human rights. This day invites us to reflect on…

Ramstein: Conference on military bases and war

We publish here the words of Antonio Carvallo‘s speech at the 6th International Congress against Military Bases and War, which took place this June 23 and was organized by the International Network against Global Military Bases, founded in 2018. I…

The Crisis of Civilisation and Humanism: A memorable lecture by Silo at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow

On 18 June 1992, an event of singular significance took place. At the Russian Academy of Sciences, the humanist thinker Silo gave a lecture on “The Crisis of Civilisation and Humanism”. Unnoticed or usually silenced by the hegemonic Western press,…

Looking for the future (I): the inner Guide

These times we live in are very special. Ancient historical events such as the end of ancient Greece or the fall of Rome are nothing compared to the civilisational cataclysm we are living through. It will have to do away…

Silo – a literary work and a universal thought to be known and recognised

On 23 May 1991, on the occasion of the launch of a collection of his work by Editorial Planeta, Silo gave a conference at the Teatro Gran Palace in Santiago de Chile, explaining some of the features of his literary…

“Letters to my friends”: A book that is still relevant and worth studying

In the framework of the First Meeting of Humanist Culture, on 14 May 1994, Silo, founder, and promoter of the New Humanism movement, presented his book “Letters to my Friends on the social and personal crisis at the present time”…

Asia-Pacific Humanists Celebrate 54 Years of the Humanist Movement and Silo’s Message

May 4 1969 marks the historic day when Silo gave his first public talk at Punta De Vacas, Argentina, and started the launch of public activities based on the doctrine of Universal Humanism. His talk, entitled The Healing of Suffering,…

Paradigmatic challenges to overcome the climate crisis

The 9th Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies “Crisis and Overcoming: crossing the Frontiers of Thinking” has come to an end and the feeling is one of profound gratitude to those who made it possible with their presentations,…

On Silo’s famous harangue of May 4, 1969

When I received the message with a link to the audio (1) that reproduces Silo’s voice pronouncing the harangue, my mind went back to that moment to recall the facts of such an important event. Which I relate below. Around…

Position and proposal of New Humanism in the face of the current crisis of civilisation

We publish here the paper presented by Virtual Ediciones at the 1st International Social Sciences Fair, organised by the Municipality of Recoleta in Santiago de Chile, under the title “Position and proposal of New Humanism in the face of the…

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