

Why, my soul, this hope? Reflections in the moonlight

A few days back I met a friend I hadn’t seen for eight years. We spent a few hours together on the shores of Lake Constance, illuminated by electric lights and then by the rays of a bright moon. My…

The Propaganda of Violence in Full Motion

We are living in what feels like a full-action reality show, jumping from conflict to conflict. News coverage is 24/7, with crises from Iraq to Ukraine and now Israel and Palestine. Some media are already working on the next conflict…

Towards the formation of a Permanent World Forum: Interview with Antonio Carvallo three decades after the First International Humanist Forum in Moscow.

Exactly three decades ago the First International Humanist Forum took place in Moscow. The event, which took place on 7 and 8 October 1993 in the Moscow Academy of Administration, was attended by various members of the Russian Academy of…

A reconciliation to advance unitive acts

“If we seek sincere reconciliation with ourselves and with those who have hurt us intensely, it is because we want a profound transformation of our life. A transformation that removes it from the resentment in which, ultimately, no one is…

Humanising the Earth: The legacy of the Sage of the Andes

“… it is almost certain that one fine day a man of titanic soul will be born here – titans are the children of the mountains – who will write sovereign verses and will properly be the Ande that versifies.”…

Scientific-technical accumulation and new possibilities for human evolution

Under this title, a panel was held as part of the 1st Summer School of Universalist Humanism at Parque Toledo, in which advances were discussed: basic income, nuclear fusion, AI… and how to make them work for the benefit of…

What they say and what they don’t say about war and violence: the humanist position

Before beginning the exposition of our proposals on the present problematic war situation, we consider it appropriate to make explicit some of our principles and beliefs, which come into play when considering the current situation, especially with regard to war…

Testimony of a Siloist at the University of Dhaka: how we consider the future of this doctrine in Bangladesh

People in general in Bangladesh only know two Argentinians very well: Diego Armando Maradona and Lionel Messi. And some educated people know Ramona Victoria Epiphany Rufina Ocampo (1890-1979), who was a writer and editor of the literary magazine Sur. She…

Parque Toledo New Humanism Summer School: “Igniting the spark for a future without violence”.

With the slogan “Igniting the spark of a future without violence“, the first days of the Summer School of Universalist Humanism of the Toledo Park of Study and Reflection have been convened. They will take place on 25, 26 and…

New rationality and new humanism

In the realm of everyday life as well as in the realm of philosophical reflection, science and culture, deterministic and libertarian thinking have the opportunity to be taken into account. If, for a moment, we interpret cognitive activity as a…

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