

Oct 2nd, International Nonviolence Day, celebrated by Humanists all over the world

Following the trail of the historical development of nonviolence takes us to wonderful expressions of the human spirit. Starting from Akhenaton, Egyptian Pharaoh XIV century BC: “If you are industrious to produce wealth, be generous in the disposal of it. …

Silo: His wisdom remains very much alive

Three years after Silo’s death, we recall the history of the man that gave origin to the Humanist Movement, a spiritual movement that spread to every continent and is now the philosophical basis of the Humanist Party . Silo, whose…

Does the West’s (unintended) glasnost predict its own Big Change?

Glasnost means transparency. Gorbachev promoted it in order to lift the veil of secrecy that pervaded the old Soviet Union. The result was the collapse of the system. Some comparisons may be in order. A little story by the Argentinean…

The revelations behind Bradley Manning revelations. Social media showing the same warning signs.

Bradley Manning has been convicted of espionage but acquitted of aiding the enemy in a military court-martial. WikiLeaks’s founder, Julian Assange, said the conviction against a whistleblower was a “dangerous precedent… Bradley Manning’s alleged disclosures have exposed war crimes, sparked…

Humanists celebrate the 4th of May around the world. First Park of Study and Reflection inaugurated in Africa.

In a special day for adherents of New Humanism – the doctrine of peace and nonviolence elaborated by the Argentine author, philosopher and spiritual guide, Silo [Mario Rodriguez Cobos] – celebrations were held around the world to remember the 4th…

The other man and the other message

The Catholic Church has a mottled history, this is well known. Now, we have this fine message from its spiritual leader, the Pope, an Argentinian. What does a humanist see in this message? Certainly, it is a timely message. It…

Thanks to Silo

There was respectful silence and then we heard those ancient harmonies of dancing spheres. Once upon a time in a distant land illuminated by a nicely round star and fed by the crystalline and round water droplets of Mount Aconcagua…

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