

You don’t kill people!

The phrase, “you don’t kill people,” Silo said to us once in an informal dinner, when the conversation was about the atrocities caused by military dictatorships in South America and in the hypothetical case that someone could meet an ex-torturer…

May the 4th: The Day of Testimony

“From this magnificent place we should consecrate this movable day so that in the future it will be known as the ‘Day of Testimony’: a testimony that gives privilege to this human attitude and that is itself justified above all…

Israel Elections: Fear, the great enemy of compassion

So Netanyahu wins again, against all hope (yes, it is worse when there was hope). Israel is likely to suffer political and diplomatic costs given the international pressure to resolve the Palestinian situation, stop settlements and comply with UN resolutions.…

How to disconnect from a source of intense irritation

The West is behaving with unspeakable physical violence against the Muslim world, just as the Western economic system is behaving with unspeakable economic violence against their own populations.  It is not a surprise that unspeakable physical violence by “terrorists” in…

A call to the people: nonviolence is the only way out!

After the recent and sad events in Paris, Convergence of Cultures would once again like to make a call to the world’s population to protect human values beyond all differences. This is a call to preserve and strengthen what has…

Silo’s Messengers high in the mountains

In our Park of Study and Reflection, Punta de Vacas, we conducted yet again a Messengers meeting, from January 2nd to the 4th, with workshops held on the 5th and on the 6th Silo’s birthday was celebrated. The days were…

We, the unheard

We have just concluded an intense year for us all at Pressenza: a year of great change, growth and learning. And, as at the end of every year, we take the opportunity to analyse, reflect and project. My eyes have…

Notes about the ‘look’ of Pressenza

Peace is the absence of war, it is coexistence without conflict, but we can’t just limit nonviolence to the absence of violence.  Even if it is an end that we want to achieve, nonviolence is, above all, a resistance to…

The End of the World is… avoidable

“The End of the World is Nigh” is a slogan that has been repeated ever since human beings could formulate the concept.  Prehistoric cavemen found meteorites, volcanos, unusual weather patterns, changes in animal behaviour, and other such omens to be…

Encounters with the Profound: Photographic Exhibition and Books Presentation

London: An Exhibition of Photographs and Words: “…translations of experiences of contact with hidden internal dimensions whose depth cannot be captured by the categories of space-time in which we believe we live. In particular circumstances these experiences become accessible manifesting…

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