

Thankfulness and gratitude for individual and social well being (now Science also says so)

“Whenever you find great strength, joy, and kindness in your heart, or when you feel free and without contradictions, immediately be internally thankful. When you find yourself in opposite circumstances, ask with faith, and the gratitude you have accumulated will…

May the Force be with you: the Force of Nonviolence

The 2nd of October, marks Gandhi’s birthday and as a result of India’s suggestion at the UN, it also marks the International Day of Nonviolence. It’s a terrible indictment on global society that we have to have a special day…

Silo’s revolutionary opus

Pressenza marks five years since Silo, the Argentinean author, nonviolent revolutionary and spiritual guide, passed away on the 16th of September 2010 at his home in Mendoza, Argentina, with this tribute by our columnist, Javier Tolcachier. Asked by a journalist…

Mark Lesseraux on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend singer and guitarist Gabriella Callender and continues with Mark Lesseraux discussing Silo and his Message.

Tomás Hirsch: Leap over Fear

We reproduce here Tomás Hirsch’s chat for TED-X Anogeia, in Crete, Greece, on August 8, 2015: “Hello everyone. I feel profoundly moved on sharing with you this experience in this sacred place. I’m one of the spokespersons for Universalist Humanism,…

The Monster, Europe, Greece and the Retreat

The Principle of Opportune Action (Greek translation below) In the referendum on the 5th of July 62% of the Greek people who voted, voted “no”; no to the austerity terms proposed by the Troika at the time. When questioned if…

You don’t kill people!

The phrase, “you don’t kill people,” Silo said to us once in an informal dinner, when the conversation was about the atrocities caused by military dictatorships in South America and in the hypothetical case that someone could meet an ex-torturer…

May the 4th: The Day of Testimony

“From this magnificent place we should consecrate this movable day so that in the future it will be known as the ‘Day of Testimony’: a testimony that gives privilege to this human attitude and that is itself justified above all…

Israel Elections: Fear, the great enemy of compassion

So Netanyahu wins again, against all hope (yes, it is worse when there was hope). Israel is likely to suffer political and diplomatic costs given the international pressure to resolve the Palestinian situation, stop settlements and comply with UN resolutions.…

How to disconnect from a source of intense irritation

The West is behaving with unspeakable physical violence against the Muslim world, just as the Western economic system is behaving with unspeakable economic violence against their own populations.  It is not a surprise that unspeakable physical violence by “terrorists” in…

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