

Can we please have a conversation about what it means to be human?

Pride season is fully underway in the Northern Hemisphere with huge parades taking place in nearly every major western city.  It is a big achievement in a relatively short period of time since the 70s when Pride Marches started out…

Tribute to Silo, 49 years after his first public address.

Mendoza House, Buenos Aires May 4, 2018  Silo, a Universal Mendocino (*) Excerpt from the talk by Ernesto H de Casas. Participant from the beginning of this movement. We were there that May 4th, 1969, a memorable event in many…

Homage to Silo: Thinking and works

In few minutes we will try to give an overview of Silo’s thought expressed through his books, lectures, interviews and talks that he has tirelessly given over the past 50 years. His production is extensive and deals in depth with…

The Active Nonviolence toolkit, proposals for the European Humanist Forum

In May 1969 Silo gave a speech, The Healing of Suffering in a remote outpost of the Argentinian Andes which today could be seen as the launch of an Active Nonviolence Manifesto. He referred then to violence being not just…

Nonviolence or Nonexistence? The Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Fifty years ago, on 4 April 1968, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated The night before he died, King gave another of his many evocative speeches; this one at the packed Mason Temple in Memphis. The speech included…

Film review (sort of) Star Wars, the Last Jedi

Continuing with the discussion of cultural objects that may influence large parts of the population, in spite of being presented as ‘light entertainment’, instalment VIII of the Star Wars series presents some interesting points. As an (intended or not) allegory…

Respecting Personal and Cultural Diversity National Talent Competition 2017

How do we deal with the diversity? When we do not respect diversity, we tend to claim that ‘ours’ is superior to ‘theirs’. This stand fosters division among us and promotes bitterness. Each country, each culture, each family and even each…

October 2, 2017: International Day of Nonviolence

“To become aware of, learn and produce concrete actions based on the Methodology of Nonviolence is the only way to banish violence from the World” In 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) established the 2nd of October,…

Meaning and happiness

An interesting exercise about what constitutes happiness consists of first remembering a bad moment, and see how was the communication with others, how we saw the future and how much faith we had in ourselves and others and then remembering…

Solidarity rather than ‘Lord of the flies’ is the default reaction

Paranoia-mongers and arms manufacturers surely love the post-apocalyptic films and TV series about people and towns fighting one another with deadly weapons in order to gain or defend their resources. Whether the scene is set in the present or a…

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