

How Did We End Up Here?

Every day, all day long, we are bombarded with updates and analyses about COVID-19, a virus that has stopped our one and only planet from “turning.” The whole world is on lockdown and almost everything has been shut down: businesses,…

Coronavirus emergency: Health is a universal right above profit

From different parts of the world, a number of humanists have reflected on the present moment and prepared this declaration and campaign which Pressenza is happy to endorse. Health is a universal right. Above market economics and financial speculation. With…

Facing Two Pandemics: Coronavirus and Global Capital

On Sunday, Time magazine published a brilliant article, “In the Battle Against Coronavirus, Humanity Lacks Leadership” by Yuval Noah Harari. It’s a must-read piece that gives us an overview of pandemics throughout human history and shows the progress we have…

WWIII: A 21st Century Enemy

The whole world is at war with an almost unknown enemy, one with a sophistication that challenges our 21st century technology. And it looks like the coronavirus is currently winning. The consequences of the pandemic will be disastrous for millions…

Interview with Luis Ammann, author of the book “Self- Liberation”

Luis Ammann is a journalist, with a degree in Modern Languages and specialized in Linguistics. He has been a member of the Humanist Movement since 1969, where he formed and directed organised structures of volunteers in 11 countries during 37…

International celebration in the Mountain

Once again, siloístas, messengers, travelers, meet in the Mendoza mountain; in the usual place of Punta de Vacas, at the crossroads of three mountain ranges. The conference takes place on January 2,3,4,5 and 6, 2020. Where days before the members…

A Literary Review of Silo’s Work

by Jorge Nuñez Arzuaga – Poet and Journalist Next Saturday, December 28th, Ernesto De Casas will give a talk about the extraordinary thinker, Silo, who was born in Mendoza, Argentina. It will be at 6 p.m. in the “Cultural Hall…

Towards a Psychology of New Humanism

Interview with Victor Piccininni, author of several studies about the psychology of New Humanism. Among others: “About Working with Attention”, “About Guided Experiences” and “Experiences of Recognition”. He is also a researcher at the Centre of Humanist Studies. Rehuno: Victor,…

The Chinese vision of a “Community of Shared Destiny for Humanity”: a prelude to a universal humanist moment?

by Javier Tolcachier The 70th anniversary (1/10) of the founding of the People’s Republic of China is approaching. This anniversary will be celebrated by the Chinese people, now a world power. Far from demanding revenge for a past of hunger,…

Silo in Jujuy

This July 20th we celebrated the seventh pilgrimage to Yala, Jujuy, a place where on the same date in 1969 the speech that Silo intended to give was banned. Even though the authorities were asked for permission, they denied it.…

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