

Remains of unknown shipwreck appear on Canadian shore.

The appearance of a huge overturned ship, apparently ancient, on the coast of the southwestern tip of Newfoundland, intrigues and mobilises today residents and experts of this Canadian province. The wreckage is visible just metres from the shore of Cape…

No more deaths at sea! Presidium at the Greek consulate in Milan

After the terrible shipwreck that occurred in Greece, the associations Mediterranea Saving Humans – Milan, ResQ – People saving people, Naga, Emergency, Cambio Passo, ACLI Provinciali, and Rete NOCPR organized a presidium under the Greek consulate in Milan to continue…

The Greek migrant shipwreck is another preventable tragedy at the borders of Europe

The Mediterranean route between Libya and Italy has been described as the “world’s most dangerous maritime crossing”. This was proven once again last week in the tragic shipwreck of a boat full of men, women and children, around 50 miles…

Large protest and march in Athens for the shipwreck in Pylos (Photos)

There was a massive response from people, left-wing parties, and organizations to the protest and march held yesterday afternoon in the center of Athens for the deadly shipwreck of migrants in Pylos. The march passed by the Greek Parliament where…