

LGBT Activists Stage Global Protests

Protests have been held in 20 cities around the world to protest Russia’s crackdown on LGBT rights. The “All Out” protests were part of a series of actions organized around Russia’s hosting of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, which begin on Friday.…

Ex-Obama official urges clemency for Snowden

President Barack Obama’s former top official has said that the National Security Agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden should be offered clemency. Anne-Marie Slaughter, the former State Department director of policy planning, tweeted on Thursday that she totally agreed with a New…

Freed Pussy Riot Members Call for Olympic Boycott

The two freed members of the Russian punk group Pussy Riot are calling for a boycott of the upcoming Winter Olympics following their release from prison. Nadia Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina had been jailed since last March for protesting Russian…

Pussy Riot Member Begins Hunger Strike over “Slavery-Like Conditions” in Penal Colony

A member of the Russian feminist punk group Pussy Riot has launched a hunger strike to protest harsh conditions in a Mordovian penal colony where she is serving a two-year sentence for protesting Russian leader Vladimir Putin inside a Moscow cathedral.…

Obama speech reaction – nuclear weapon reductions will reduce risks but prohibition treaty urgent

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) welcomes President Obama’s announcement in Berlin today calling for a world without nuclear weapons and the readiness to pursue further reductions in the US and Russian nuclear arsenals.  However, the humanitarian consequences…

Obama calls for reduction of Russian nukes

US President Barack Obama has called on Russia to slash its deployed nuclear weapons by up to a third. “After a comprehensive review, I’ve determined that we can ensure the security of America and our allies — and maintain a…

Russia bidding farewell to Soviet nukes

By J C Suresh | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis Russia is in the midst of a comprehensive modernization of its nuclear forces that began more than a decade ago. The upgrade, which involves replacing all Soviet-era ballistic missiles with fewer improved missiles,…

Nuclear sabre-rattling in North East Asia: Can Godzilla be tamed?

Godzilla, a giant monster mutated by nuclear radiation, first appears in a 1954 Japanese science fiction movie by the same name, ravaging Japan in a symbolic warning about the risks of nuclear weapons. For a couple of decades Godzilla was…

Russia: Free Pussy Riot Members. One Year Behind Bars

Russian authorities should immediately and unconditionally free the two members of the feminist punk group Pussy Riot who remain behind bars, Human Rights Watch said today. The two women, Nadia Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina, have been in detention since their…

Russia, Arab league offer to mediate Syria talks to end crisis

Russia and the Arab League have offered to broker talks between Syria and its opposition coalition to end nearly two years of foreign-sponsored unrest in the Arab country. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday that Moscow and the…

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