

Putin’s “Soft Authoritarian” Regime and Russian Freedom

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power* One of the founders of Russia’s Pussy Riot rock band, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, was interviewed at length on the BBC this past weekend. She has no time for President Vladimir Putin. When the group played inside the…

Wrecking New START will wreck the entire framework of arms control that has existed since the 1960s

Rybakov – Billingslea arms control meeting 22 and 23 June, in Vienna, Austria The US and RUSSIA, must focus on nuclear risk reduction, extension of New START and reaffirm that a nuclear war ‘cannot be won and must never be…

The largest US-led military exercise in Europe scales down but COVID-19 doesn’t stop it!

By Jan Oberg Defender Europe 20 is a huge, basically US military exercise, on European soil between February and May this year. It has already started. In the midst of a closed-down coronavirus Europe. And it is war-preparing, not peace- or…

Russia – A Groundbreaking Powershift?

By Peter Koenig In groundbreaking news President Putin announced today, 15 January, in his annual address to the Nation, major changes in his government. First, he announced that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his entire cabinet resigned and will eventually…

They target us with nuclear weapons without us even knowing

How can we ensure that the people of Europe are informed of the silent threat to which we are subjected? Will Spanish politicians talk about this issue in the election campaign? Will they commit to signing the TPNW and work…

NATO simulates nuclear war in Europe

Meanwhile, the information and the danger in which we live are hidden from us by governments. In secret manoeuvres in Germany and Holland, NATO is conducting simulations of what a nuclear war in Europe could look like, as revealed by…

‘Nuclear-powered’ missile accident in Russia – what really happened?

Claire Corkhill, University of Sheffield for The Conversation A missile engine exploded at a naval test range, west of the city of Severodvinsk on Russia’s northern coast at 9am on August 8. At least five people were killed and several…

Russia and China are Growing Together Again

By Jonathan Power In her famous decree in 1767 Empress Catherine the Great proclaimed Russia to be a European power. She wanted Russia to be a major player in European politics. She compelled the Europeans to accept Russia as a…

Hiroshima Unlearned: Time to tell the truth about US relations with Russia and finally ban the bomb

August 6th and 9th mark 74 years since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where only one nuclear bomb dropped on each city caused the deaths of up to 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 people in Nagasaki. Today,…

US scrapping of INF treaty heightens threat of nuclear war

By Bill Van Auken Washington formally scrapped the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Friday, bringing the world a major step closer to nuclear war. The treaty, signed over 30 years ago by US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail…

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