

Roger Waters Responds to Mrs. Olena Zelenska of Ukraine

Mrs Zelenska’s Sept 5 tweet: It is Russia that invaded Ukraine, destroys cities and kills civilians. Ukrainians defend their land and their children’s future. If we give up – we will not exist tomorrow. If Russia gives up – war…

The fascist is “the other”

Since the beginning of the “Special Operation” in Ukraine it has become increasingly common to use the word “fascist” as an insult against “the other”. Only now, and not before, the same Russians who claim to be politically opposed to…

Long live Gorby

When in 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev took over as General Secretary of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union), which was de facto equivalent to a presidency of the USSR, succeeding three gerontes (Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko), few imagined that…

The Three Stooges (A Geopolitical Update)

Four Things To Know Before You Read On I do not nor have I ever supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I have made this clear in almost all of my previous writings about the conflict and feel no need to…

Ukraine conflict – day 186: Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant ‘damaged’ by ‘repeated shelling’

• Russian troops have “repeatedly shelled” the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, said its Ukraine operator Energoatom. “As a result of periodic shelling, the infrastructure of the station has been damaged, there are risks of hydrogen leakage and sputtering of radioactive substances, and the fire…

A Four-Week Festival of Double Standards

Hypocrisy & Outright Lying by Nuclear-armed States By Jackie Cabasso (IDN) — The 10th NPT Review Conference didn’t fail because it couldn’t produce a final document. It failed because the nuclear-armed states haven’t made good on their fundamental nuclear disarmament…

Cognitive warfare

Ukraine: how to unlearn A few days ago, the Ukrainian government announced that it had ordered the shutdown of one of the reactors at the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant in south-central Ukraine due to a Russian attack that damaged ancillary…

Physicians call for a ban on military attacks on nuclear installations

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War is urging governments attending the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in New York to call for a ban on military attacks on nuclear installations. Obstacles to access for the International…

Nancy Pelosi’s miracle

The visit of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and the provocation to China that it entails can only be interpreted as one more action in the escalation of tensions that Washington wants to generate in…

Russia and the European Union Continue Transition to Wartime Economies

Russia and the West have signaled their intent to commit to a long-term confrontation over Ukraine. While Russia has clearly felt the effect of sanctions, the EU remains vulnerable to Russian attempts to use energy to divide member states. By…

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