

Avoid the extension of the war, open negotiations now!

On February 24, 2022, the army of the Russian Federation began the “military operation” in Ukraine, triggering war between states in the heart of Europe. A year of destruction of buildings, factories, power plants, bridges and strategic facilities. A year…

US and Them: Why an Immediate Diplomatic Settlement is the Only Coherent Endgame for Ukraine, Russia and the Rest of the World

A Year of Total Escalation We’re fast approaching the one year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Over the course of the year 2022 the US, with its NATO allies in tow, did everything in its power to escalate the…

A year of war is too much! Peace initiatives in Europe and the U.S.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022;  a violation of the UN Charter and international law that calls for immediate justice. Therefore on this anniversary, after months of shared actions for peace,  Europe for Peace calls for…

Roger Waters full speech at the UN security council.

Roger Waters, co-founder of  Pink Floyd, addressed the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting today, Wednesday 8, 2023 in New York. (video below) Madame/Mr President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. I feel profoundly honoured to be afforded this singular opportunity to…

Roger Waters Questioned in Depth About Ukraine, Russia, Israel, U.S.

By Berliner Zeitung, February 4, 2023 The original at the link above is in German. This translation was provided to World BEYOND War by Roger Waters. Roger Waters can rightly claim to be the mastermind behind Pink Floyd. He came up…

Diplomatic Cables Prove Top U.S. Officials Knew They Were Crossing Russia’s Red Lines on NATO Expansion

Nearly a year in, the war in Ukraine has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and brought the world to the brink of, in President Joe Biden’s own words, “Armageddon.” Alongside the literal battlefield, there has been a similarly bitter…

Interview with Rafael de la Rubia, Founder of World without Wars and without Violence and main promoter of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Rafael de la Rubia welcomes us into his home and we settle into a room full of books. On the table is a huge illustrated book about the World March for Peace and Nonviolence that was organised in 2010 and…

What Can the United States Bring to the Peace Table for Ukraine?

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has just issued its 2023 Doomsday Clock statement, calling this “a time of unprecedented danger.” It has advanced the hands of the clock to 90 seconds to midnight, meaning that the world is closer…

Appeal for peace and against the war launched in the Czech Republic

A few weeks ago, an appeal for peace and to stop the war in Ukraine was launched in the Czech Republic. This appeal comes at a time when there is no debate on this issue and the majority of the…

West sees Ukraine as a Cold War ‘prize’ – exiled opposition leader

The US wanted to block EU-Russian integration and control the former Eastern Bloc, Viktor Medvedchuk insists The West’s insistence that it won the Cold War and was entitled to the spoils of victory – at the expense of Russian interests…

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