

No extradition of war refugees to Ukraine

The image of Ukrainians going to war enthusiastically or selflessly and self-sacrificingly for their country is becoming more and more cracked. By Peter Vlatten The numbers from press releases on the morning of September 6th (including NTV September 6th, 2023)…

To the East via the North: Russia’s sea route opens up horizons for international cooperation

While nearly 150 ships were stuck in the Panama Canal due to an unprecedented drought, Russia is actively developing the Northern Sea Route. The legendary route whose exploration cost so many lives and efforts during centuries of human endeavour is…

Is Russia stronger than sanctions?

By Nadia Schwarz At the beginning of August the World Bank, which is notoriously unsympathetic to Putin´s Russia, announced that by the end of 2022, the Russian Federation was ranked as the fifth strongest economic power in the world. This…

Why are sacred objects being transferred to the West from Ukraine?

By Nadia Schwarz In the Kiev Caves Monastery, the center of Orthodox life since 1051, whose religious, historical and cultural value is impossible to assess, they are currently preparing to “save in the West” the relics of saints, icons and…

The death throes of the Pax Americana: The war of two powers in Ukraine

This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine but a war on Ukrainian territory between two nuclear powers, both of which believe they are defending essential strategic interests. That is the opinion of a prominent veteran Brazilian diplomat, Jorio…

Cannon fodder for the Empire

The United States dreams of a unipolar world and of global hegemony. It intervenes everywhere to support dictatorships, provoke coups d’état, encourage rebellions and finance opposition. Let’s start by recalling some of their major feats since the end of the…

The International Criminal Court is losing its independence to powerful political players

By Jorge Sanchez, telegram channel journalist La Jirafa What is the International Criminal Court (ICC) ? The International Criminal Court (ICC) was officially launched in 1998. Participating countries placed high hopes in the autonomous body whose mission is to try…

In Russia, Navalny has been sentenced to 19 years in a penal colony. Amnesty International calls for his immediate release

Aleksei Navalny, a prisoner of conscience and a leading figure in Russia’s political opposition movement, has been sentenced to 19 years to spend in a penal colony on trumped-up charges related to “extremism”. He will actually have to serve 10…

August 5th: Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Refelction

On the 78th anniversary of the dawn of the nuclear age and the ongoing danger of nuclear weapons. August 5th, 11am – 4pm 1170 NY-213, Esopus/Kingston, NY 12401 Screening: Appreciation—The Tomiko Morimoto West Story (trailer), a 20-minute film about a survivor…

I do not wage war. Meeting with conscientious objectors from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

SMS Peretola, via Pratese 48, Florence The peace movement has concretely supported Russian Belarusian and Ukrainian conscientious objectors, deserters and draft dodgers who are denied the right not to kill or fight, a right that should be universally recognized. Italy…

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