
Rohingya Refugees

The international community must continue its efforts to send the Rohingya refugees home

Worldwide refugee crises have taken center stage in the news in recent years. According to the UNHCR report, there are currently 110 million refugees worldwide, compared to 100 million in 2022. The report also said that the number of refugees…

Bangladesh, Myanmar need to pursue a ‘fruitful Rohingya solution strategy

A 22-member team of Myanmar immigration officials visited Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar to verify more than 400 Rohingya refugees as part of a pilot repatriation project. Does it hold out any hope for the forcibly displaced people to…

African Countries should Support Bangladesh to Solve Rohingya Refugee Crisis

by Pathik Hasan For decades, Myanmar has gone through extreme cruelty to the Rohingya. Never cared about the law. This is the first time that Gambia, a small African country, has taken Myanmar to the International Court of Justice for…

Bangladesh’s Ashrayan-3 Project (Bhasan Char Project): Is An Example For The Whole World To Deal With Refugees

The whole world saw the Rohingya refugee’s influx towards Bangladesh in 20217. The Rohingya people have been displaced from their homeland (Rakhine in Myanmar) by the Myanmar military Junta regime. Then, Rohingyas take shelter in Cox’s bazar area in Bangladesh.…

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina deserves Nobel Peace Prize

Mahatma Gandhi, a symbol of non-violence in the 20th century was nominated several times for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. But unfortunately, Nobel Committee was reluctant in giving this prize to Gandhi. Due to this, questions have been raised stating…

International Court of Justice Orders Burmese Authorities to Protect Rohingya Muslims from Genocide

In a major ruling, the U.N. International Court of Justice at The Hague has ordered Burma to “take all measures within its power” to protect Rohingya Muslims from genocide. The court issued the ruling Thursday, calling the 600,000 Rohingya remaining…

“Terror and Panic” among Rohingya Refugees in Southern Bangladesh Who Are at Imminent Risk of Being Returned to Myanmar against Their Will

There is “terror and panic” among Rohingya refugees in southern Bangladesh, who are at imminent risk of being returned to Myanmar against their will, the United Nations top human rights official has said, warning that the returns would seriously endanger…

Nobel Women Peace Laureates Call for an End to Rohingya Genocide

As three Nobel peace laureates—Tawakkol Karman of Yemen, Shirin Ebadi of Iran, and Mairead Maguire of Northern Ireland – conclude their visit to Bangladesh on the six-month anniversary of the current Rohingya crisis, the three women are calling for an…

Rohingya Refugees at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Yesterday, Mohammad Nazrul Islam, a humanist friend from Bangladesh, and country representative of The Community for Human Development currently developing volunteer educational and livelihood initiatives in the seaside district of Cox’s Bazaar, sent me some pictures of the Rohingya refugees…