
Reiner Braun

Threats to regional peace in the Asia Pacific region and the work of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) is delighted to welcome Annette Brownlie, IPB Board Member from Australia, to our headquarters in Berlin next week. In a special event, Annette will report on the important work of her organisation, IPAN (Independent and…

Interview with Reiner Braun: Reimagining a Better World

A few days before the IPB World Peace Congress 2021 in Barcelona, we talked to Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) about how the peace movement, trade unions and the environmental movement can come together, why…

IPB 2016, Reiner Braun: “We need more activities for Peace all over the world”

At the end of the International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we asked Reiner Braun, Co-President of IPB, to give us some final comments. Here below you can find his video interview

NATO must be consigned to the rubbish heap of history

During the weekend conference on NATO and Russia in the Baltic Area organised by the No to War, No to NATO campaign, Reiner Brown, co-President of the International Peace Bureau participated in a panel meeting on the subject of Common…