

From Israeli-Palestinian pacifism an exciting injection of hope

They were on the road for an entire day because of flights blocked by Amman and Tel Aviv due to the war now raging in Lebanon as well as in Gaza. A very difficult journey that saw them land at…

The Present Crisis and the Future’s Promise: A Call for Transformation

In this accelerated world, events unfold rapidly, often leaving us confused. We are in a moment of deep crisis, where our belief systems and understanding of the world are out of sync with human development and aspirations. What is your…

How to Heal the Wound of Gaza

The world is bleeding. Life force is leaking from a thousand wounds, and maybe the most serious hemorrhage is that issuing forth from Gaza. The wound of Gaza festers with hate, despair, and cruelty, leaching those poisons through the body…

In times of rupture, building the integration of peoples.

Several events of related significance have marked the political landscape of Latin America and the Caribbean in recent days. First, the illegal armed invasion of the Mexican embassy in Ecuador to kidnap former vice-president Jorge Glas, who had requested political…

What to do with those who have hurt us

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we set up a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some…


Do you remember when tenderness nested in our hearts? Do you remember the times when we marveled at the garden full of fireflies, that flowing river, the warm sand on our feet and the flower of a thousand petals? Do…

Let’s talk about reconciliation: What good has the Argentina-UK enmity over the Falklands done us?

One evening in November 2019, I went to a bar with some British classmates. Of course, as the only international student, one of them asked where I was from. After hearing ‘Argentina’, something snapped within her brain and automatically asked:…

Taking Action to Repair Our World

By Ramu Damodaran The writer is Chief, United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) hosted in the Department of Global Communications. This OpEd first appeared in the #WhyWeCare, @ImpactUN on February 5. “Nostalgia for the present“ is a phrase I once heard…

Humanist Perspectives on Health: “The end of physical life and death”.

By Victor Piccininni A humanist looks at the end of life and death. A few paragraphs to define a theme that covers millions of pages in the literature of different cultures and civilizations. Let’s try. A look, as opposed to…

When will there be a peaceful Yom Kippur or Eid al-Adha for Palestinians and Israelis?

When will there be a reconciliation between one and the other? When will there be a Yom Kippur יום כיפור of Palestinians and Israelis? That would truly make Israel strong. Yom Kippur is, for Jews, the holiest day on the…

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