
Rana Salman

Rana Salmar: ‘The label of “terrorism” used to criminalise and delegitimise Palestinian self-determination’

Israel and Palestine: a conflict, a colonial occupation, a racist apartheid system, and an “incremental genocide” that has lasted some 80 years and has resumed more violently than before after October 7, 2023. What political solution today for Palestine? We…

“Hope is an action, not an abstract idea” – A glimpse into the work of Combatants for Peace

Combatants for Peace is a binational grassroots movement that was founded by former Palestinian and Israeli combatants in 2006. Its goal is to end violence and occupation and to promote a peaceful and just solution to the conflict. The movement…

Appeal by Eszter Koranyi and Rana Salman, co-Directors of Combatants for Peace, to the Foreign Ministers attending the G7 in Fiuggi

Dear Foreign Ministers of the G7, We are speaking to you as a bi-national movement of Israelis and Palestinians who call for peace. As you sit down to discuss the fate of our region please listen carefully to our voices. …

One year after Oct. 7 Combatants for Peace’ message: peace is the way

Today, twelve months after the October 7 massacre, Israel commemorates its dead; the families of the hostages who (hopefully) are at least partly still alive met in the early hours of the morning right there, among those kibbutzim that were…