

Extinction Rebellion Protests Hit London Airport, Demanding Climate Change Action

Extinction Rebellion protests are continuing around the globe with nonviolent actions demanding urgent action on the climate crisis. This morning, protesters blocked roads leading to London’s city airport and held a sit-in protest inside a terminal, disrupting flights. In Central…

Puerto Rico Faces Succession Crisis as Disgraced Governor Resigns

Puerto Rican legislators have delayed a vote to confirm outgoing Governor Ricardo Rosselló’s possible successor. Rosselló, who has promised to step down today at 5 p.m., was forced to resign last week amid massive protests across Puerto Rico calling for…

700+ Migrant Families Still Separated as Reunification Deadline Passes

Federal officials say 711 immigrant children remain separated and in U.S. custody, after the Trump administration missed a court-imposed deadline to reunite all 2,500 families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Government lawyers claim the 711 children are “not eligible for…

Washington, 630 women arrested during nonviolent protest against immigrant detention

Before the “Families Belong Together” protests against Trump administration’s zero-tolerance immigration policy planned for Saturday June 30, on June 28 in Washington 2.500 women took part in a nonviolent direct action organized by Women’s March. 630 were arrested in front of the…

End families separation. Protests all over the world

Protests are spreading in the US and all over the world to tell Donald Trump and his administration to stop separating immigrant kids from their parents. On Thursday, June 28th, Women’s March and partners  are organizing a mass civil disobedience in…

Protests are mounting over the Trump administration’s practice of forcibly separating immigrant children from their parents

Hundreds of protesters gathered in cities across the country Tuesday—including in San Francisco; New York City; Philadelphia; El Paso, Texas; Washington, D.C.; and Portland, Oregon—to denounce the practice of separating immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, in…

International mobilization against Trump’s immigration policy

On 26 May, news broke out of the US on the Trump Administration’s unprecedented “zero tolerance” policy, inhumanely detaining and separating immigrant children from their parents at the US border, sparking a wave of protests in at least 30 cities…

“We don’t want to repress”: Police in Honduras refuse orders to stamp out Pro-Democracy protests

“We are tired. And our job is to give peace and security to the Honduran people, not repress them. We want all Hondurans to be safe.” by Jon Queally, staff writer for Common Dreams Amid widening violence and ongoing protests,…

Charlottesville Covers Confederate Statues with Black Fabric as Residents Demand Their Removal

In Charlottesville, Virginia, residents cheered and celebrated as workers covered two Confederate statues — one of General Robert E. Lee, and another of General Stonewall Jackson — with black fabric on Wednesday in order to mourn the death of Heather…

A Giant Dolphin to Defend Portugal’s Coast from Offshore Drilling

Approximately 1,000 people from 40 countries came together last Saturday to write out a message on the beach of Odeceixe using their own bodies. The message was a clear NO to all attempts at offshore oil drilling on one of…

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