

Refuser Tal Mitnick Exempted from Israeli Army After 185 Days in Prison

This morning, Tal Mitnick (18), the first enlistment refuser since the beginning of the war in Gaza, was exempted from military service. Beginning in December 2023, Mitnick was imprisoned for a total of 185 days in 6 consecutive sentences and…

New sentence for Israeli conscientious objector Tal Mitnick

Refuser Tal Mitnick was sentenced yesterday to a third prison term of 45 days after serving two 30-day sentences, amounting to 105 days in prison. After his expected release in April, Mitnick is likely to be imprisoned again for his…

Leonard Peltier in prison for 17,500 days and nights: some similarities, past and present

Leonard Peltier, a native american, member of the American Indian movement, accused in 1975 of having killed two FBI agents, was condemned to two life sentences without any proof. Since then, even the judges themselves have asked for him to…

‘You mean the prison?’: displaced people on Samos

The warehousing of asylum-seekers behind barbed wire encapsulates where ‘protecting borders’ leads. As representatives of the European Union’s 27 member states came together on February 9th and 10th in Brussels, for a summit focused on war, the economy and migration, a number…

Women, history, and the dictatorship in Brazil: the story of Criméia Almeida

Any attempt to stop an individual’s fight against oppression has always been, and continues to be, a violent act, which we must repudiate and denounce. This happened, for example, with women and their actions against the dictatorial regime established in…