
Press Freedom

Amy Goodman to turn herself in, will fight ‘clear violation’ of press freedom

Goodman will return to North Dakota to fight charges of criminal trespassing for filming an attack on protesters at Dakota Access Pipeline site. by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams Award-winning journalist and Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman will…

German government backs Deutsche Welle in Turkey dispute

German diplomats have spoken out after Turkey’s Youth and Sports Ministry confiscated a DW interview. Media and Culture Commissioner Monika Grütters has also made a strong public statement. On Wednesday, German Media and Culture Commissioner Monika Grütters received resounding applause…

Turkey: Journalist Can Dündar faces life imprisonment for informing the public

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been clamping down methodically on the media in Turkey for years, first as prime minister and now as president. The persecution of journalists across the political spectrum is growing in ferocity and includes arrests, threats and…

India: Advocating laws to safeguard journalists

Guwahati: An untoward incident of physically assaulting a lady television reporter by the police personnel in northeast India recently, brought back the old debate of having a special law for protection of journalists on duty. The incident that took place…

Hunger-Striking Al Jazeera Journalist Moved to Solitary Confinement

An Al Jazeera journalist on hunger strike against his imprisonment in Egypt has reportedly been moved to solitary confinement in a maximum security prison. Abdullah Elshamy has been held without charge for close to nine months and on hunger strike…

Trial of Al-Jazeera journalists adjourned for fifth time

Abdulrahim Shaheen, a reporter who works Al-Jazeera and for two newspapers – Al-Hurriya wa Al-Adala and Misr 25 – was arrested by national security police yesterday on charges of “membership of a terrorist group,” “inciting hatred” and “spreading false information.”…

Press freedom and criminal violence in Hong Kong

Kevin Lau Chun-to, former Editor-in-Chief of Ming Pao, was brutally attacked in broad daylight on 26th February, 2014. He was stabbed 6 times and was rushed to hospital where he underwent several hours of surgery. This has provoked public concern…

Investigative Journalist gagged in US

[divide][clear] Reporters Without Borders is deeply troubled by a recent gag order placed on American investigative journalist Barrett Brown and his defense team, as he faces prosecution for charges related to his work. Brown, 32, who has written for The Guardian, Huffington Post and Vanity Fair, was investigating links…

Manning Wronged AND Miranda’s Rights

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan “There is not a flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people,” wrote the late historian Howard Zinn, author of “A People’s History of the United States.” These words were included…

Manning verdict blow for investigative journalism and its sources

Reporters Without Borders regards today’s verdict in U.S. Army private Bradley Manning’s trial as dangerous. Although acquitted of “aiding the enemy,” he was found guilty of five counts of espionage and five counts of theft, for which he could receive…

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