
Press Freedom

Smear campaign against Pinar Selek thwarted: Turkish court postpones decision

Once again our mobilization has paid off: the solidarity committees and a large delegation in Istanbul have foiled the Turkish Ministry of the Interior’s attempt to designate an academic conference organized in France under the auspices of the Université Côte…

We stand with Pınar Selek until her final acquittal

On 28 June 2024, Pınar Selek will be tried for the fifth time by the Turkish state. 26 years ago, in Turkey, Pınar Selek was arrested for her academic work on Kurdish resistance. In line with sociological professional ethics, she…

A Crucial Hearing as Journalists Under Siege in Greece

Comprehensive Action Needed to Tackle Anti-Media Lawsuits By Eva Cossé The first court hearing in a defamation lawsuit against two media outlets and three journalists who played a pivotal role in exposing Greece’s major surveillance scandal is set to begin on January…

What is the Purpose of Journalism if War Crimes Are Not Allowed to be Published?

Stefania Maurizi, John Goetz and Christian Mihr discussed in Georg Büchner Buchladen (bookshop) in Berlin about: “What is the Purpose of Journalism if War Crimes Are Not Allowed to be Published?”. Many more wanted to listen to the event, but…

Provocations by the US State Department can chill press freedom in Latin America

The headline is provocative: “The Kremlin’s Efforts to Covertly Spread Disinformation in Latin America.” This was a statement on the US State Department website, posted on November 7, 2023. The United States government accused two companies—Social Design Agency and Structura National Technologies—of…

URGENT RALLY TODAY: Hold NY Times Accountable for Arrest of Journalists in India

6PM at New York Times Building (40th St and 8th Ave) An urgent mobilization hold New York Times accountable for provoking a grave assault on press freedom. In its latest anti-democratic attack on journalists, the government of Indian Prime Minister…

Arrest of investigative journalist symbolises deterioration of press freedom in France

The arrest of investigative reporter Arianne Lavrilleux has sparked outrage in France, where attacks on freedom of reporting have increased under Macron’s presidency. The latest example of the liberal drift of Emmanuel Macron’s France. After the disturbing arrest in April…

Fabian Scheidler: Why the Release of Julian Assange Is Crucial for Our Future

The release of Julian Assange is crucial to the future of journalism, free speech and democracy. Free journalism is essential to prevent wars that states often justify with lies. This is a speech delivered by Fabian Scheidler at the Brandenburg…

Experts plea with Australian Prime Minister to save Assange – Belmarsh Tribunal Sydney

Politicians, lawyers, journalists, whistle blowers and human rights defenders have pleaded with Prime Minister Albanese to step up his efforts to free imprisoned Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder, Julian Assange. Experts testified at the Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney on 4 March,…

PEC award 2022 goes to Russian scribe Ekaterina Glikman

Geneva, 14 November 2022: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) rewards Russian journalist in exile Ekaterina Glikman for her ongoing and exemplary commitment to press freedom in Russia. The brave journalist, who is currently working from Switzerland as deputy editor of Novaya…

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