

Latin American solidarity sit-in with the Peruvian people in Córdoba

Members of various social and political organisations staged a sit-in in front of the Peruvian consulate in the city of Cordoba in repudiation of the overthrow and imprisonment of the legitimate president Pedro Castillo. The demonstrators expressed their repudiation of…

PERU National Strike has begun

Social polarisation has reached its peak. Yesterday, January 4th, was the first day of the indefinite National Strike called by grassroots social organizations mainly from the south of the country, but in which protesters from the departments of Junin, Ayacucho,…

Peru: the uprising of the Cholos

“I am a Cholo and don’t pity me, those are coins that are worthless nothing and that the whites give like those who give money. We cholos don’t ask for anything, because if we lack everything, everything is enough for…

Counter-coup: The anti-democratic subversion of the right-wing in Latin America resumes

While millions of eyes – including this reporter’s – devour the colourful incidents of the circus staged by the Qatari dynastic monarchy in collusion with FIFA, other events, perhaps much more relevant to the lives of the people, continue to…

Peru’s presidents and corruption 1995-2022 (I)

Peru is perhaps the only country in the world in which more than five former presidents have been or are immersed in criminal proceedings for various crimes. The cases of Francisco Morales Bermúdez (sentenced to life imprisonment and deceased in…

“Espinar cannot wait”: the voices of the people affected

Nearly 40 years of mining activity in Espinar, Cusco, has had a serious impact on the native populations (K’ana population) living near the mine, such as the loss of their territories and the loss of their customs and traditions. The…

Peru: Towards effective and authentic investigative journalism

In a previous essay, we stated that the challenges of investigative journalism are how to find information that is valuable to the public; how to value, analyse and contextualise it; how to transmit it in a way that transcends the…

Deforestation for gold mining has increased by 90% in the Amazon region

Gold mining is already the second biggest cause of deforestation in the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon, according to a scientific study. Deforestation caused by gold mining has increased by 90 % in the southwest of the…

There is still a future!

The International Network of Humanist Educators presented the book “Hay Futuro todavía. Experiences in the construction of a nonviolent humanising education in times of crisis”, a collective work that brings together twenty-eight stories with multiple voices from more than ten…

PetroPeru and the end of corruption

After the dismissal of 19 Petro Peru managers, all linked to the corruption machine of Keiko Fujimori and Martin Vizcarra, the corrupt press of neo-liberalism began a campaign of image laundering of these characters, the former managers, known as the…

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