

Rick Wayman of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation receives “Activist of the Year” award

On April 18, 2016, Rick Wayman, Programs Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), received the “Activist of the Year” award from the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA). The award was presented at ANA’s “DC Days” on Capitol Hill, honoring…

Violence Is a Preventable Disease

Human Wrongs Watch By Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate* BELFAST, 9 February 2016 (IPS) – The World Health Organization has said that ‘Violence is a preventable disease’ and people are not born violent, rather we all live in cultures of violence.…

Photo exhibition shows another face of Afghanistan

It’s been said that peace is not merely the absence of war, but the presence of justice. That spirit underpinned the Peace Campaign 2015 photo exhibition that ran from November 25 to 27 in the historical Bagh-e Babur Park in Kabul.…

… And All of a Sudden Syria!

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* 5 January 2016 (IPS) – The “big five” – i.e., the most military powerful states on earth (US, UK, France, Russia and China) have just agreed that it would be about time to end…

Peace and #safepassage for refugees in 2016

Human Wrongs Watch  By Aaron Gray-Block* 1 January, 2016 (Greenpeace) – A short distance outside the village of Molyvos on the Greek Island of Lesbos there is a rubbish dump of life jackets, discarded now but forever witness to the hope…

Peaceful New Year 2016

2016 marks five years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Peace Boat will continue to support recovery efforts in the region and sail for a nuclear free, sustainable future. 2015 was a historical year marking 70 years since…

COP21 – war and peace

Par Ben Cramer. An argu­ment can be made that COP21 must address the sub­ject of war and peace as an eco­log­i­cal issue. Because secrecy veils the true num­bers, it is dif­fi­cult to accu­rately deter­mine the amount of atmos­pheric pol­lu­tion caused by…

Nobel peace laureates consider the role of women in democracy

With the title “Women advancing democracy” five Nobel Peace laureates took part in a panel at the World Summit of Nobel Laureates in Barcelona: Dr. Shirin Ebadi, Tawakkol Karman, Prof. Jody Williams, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Betty Williams together with a…

A Culture of Peace Is the Best Alternative to Terrorism

 As the culture of war, which has dominated human civilization for 5,000 years, begins to crumble, its contradictions become more evident. This is especially so in the matter of terrorism. By David Adams, World Beyond War What is terrorism?…

Call for Nuclear Abolition on Peace March in Togo

Today in Lomé, capital of the West African country of Togo, a Peace March took place as part of the Nuclear Abolition Week, organised by activists from ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Photos by Visions Solidaires/ICAN Togo

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