

The Best Speech Yet From Any U.S. President

By David Swanson In planning an upcoming conference aimed at challenging the institution of war, to be held at American University September 22-24, I can’t help but be drawn to the speech a U.S. president gave at American University a…

Working towards a new type of relationship between nations: The diplomacy of Active Nonviolence

In her recent participation in the “Peace Building” round table organised by the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Human Mobility in Ecuador, Nelsy Lizarazo, President of the international news agency Pressenza, said, “The hallmark of Ecuador’s diplomacy is based on…

Remembering Nagasaki 72 years after the atomic bomb

Nagasaki Peace Declaration “No more Hibakusha” These words express the heartfelt wish of the Hibakusha that in the future nobody in the world ever again has to experience the disastrous damage caused by nuclear weapons. This summer, the wish has…

Pressenza: Humanising the dehumanised

The tenth edition of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum is currently underway in the impressive former West German parliament building in Bonn, Germany.  As part of the programme, Pressenza International Press Agency, with its unique focus on peace and…

When women get together peace is possible – Interview with Yael Deckelbaum

“Women of the World Unite” is the motto of Israeli-Canadian singer, songwriter and peace activist Yael Deckelbaum, uniting women and men all over the world in order to transcend all frontiers and to build together a future of Peace. She…

Humankind 2050 – Peace Development Environment

By Johan Galtung West of Jondal is Torsnes, named after the Nordic war god Thor with his Hammer, a center of the Viking era from 800 to 1050, only 250 years. Why so short? Successful with raids and colonization–Gardarike in…

After 50 years of occupation in Palestine, friendship across a separation wall

Aisha Saifi and Yifat Susskind 8 June 2017 for openDemocracy. Wars have been fought, walls built and separation policies enacted. But we share a common belief that peace is possible. We refuse to be enemies. After crossing multiple checkpoints and…

Thoughts about ending terrorist attacks in Europe (And the World)

By Herminio Piñeiro Let them live in peace. Get out of their countries and leave these people continue with their everyday religious and /or secular lives. Do not break their culture, do not disrupt their traditions or look down on…

Women in Israel: Ready for Peace

On May 22nd President Trump will be travelling to Israel in order to meet with prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Earlier this month he received President Mahmoud Abbas in the White House and declared that he wants to help achieving an…

50 Years Later, a Speech by King Has Lessons for a President

On April 4, 1967, a year to the day before he was assassinated, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of the most powerful, controversial speeches of his life: “Beyond Vietnam: Time to Break the Silence.” The legendary orator and organizer,…

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