

Let’s take Peace into our own hands

As a contribution to the European campaign for peace and nonviolence “Let us take peace into our own hands”, 4 international activists met in Cologne on 2nd of April  at the memorial of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Park. In a poetic way…

Let’s extinguish War and ignite Peace

The Chilean humanist militancy makes a common cause with the clamour of European civil society and its call for a nonviolent demonstration against war on 2 April 2023. We have been denouncing the political leadership of the first world powers…

Not giving up

” She doesn’t give up as long as she has a heart. She doesn’t give up as long as she has a reason”. One hour and 25 minutes of reflections, voices that cry, that evoke, that spill out and get…

We continue to believe in Peace

On February 25th 2022, as World without Wars and Violence, we issued a press release that began “Haven’t the 150 million people killed in the two world wars been enough?” We urged, on the one hand, the governments of the…

Women in peacebuilding

Throughout history, our voices as women have been silenced on thousands of occasions. We were forced to hide our identities so that what we created would not come to light. Our ideas were shamelessly stolen from us, under the argument…

On April 2nd, let us also ignite peace within our interior.

Who has not at times, in moments of fear, difficulty and discouragement, asked for help in their interior, according to their beliefs, to a loved one who is or has been an example for them, a guide, a deity, to…

New ways of doing politics: Overcoming wars starting with people

The event “Russia and Ukraine: Compassion and Healing”, held on March 4, 2023 by the Multiconvergence of Global Networks deeply mobilized the people present. This was MRG’s 15th event. Besides addressing an issue of great urgency for the world, it…

Something unknown is fast approaching

It has long been said: “The world is on the brink of great change” and indeed there have been great changes. As historical time speeds up, the more vertiginous. By Javier Belda Today we dream of adding to the statement:…

Already 40,000 people on the streets with “Europe For Peace” to call for ceasefire and Peace negotiations

Colorful banners, moments of silence, torchlight processions, Peace marches, speeches by representatives of civil society organizations, chants, sit-ins and flash-mobs. These are the initiatives that enlivened the squares of the 75 Italian cities that took action for Peace in the…

War returns to the heart of Europe and talk of conscription is back on the agenda.

Europe is continuing its suicidal mad dash towards the militarisation of society. After a year of war in Ukraine, almost everywhere there is talk of reintroducing compulsory military service, reopening a debate that was thought to be definitively closed and…

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