
peace process

Colombia marches for life and for Peace

By Diana Hernández (translation Pressenza London) On Tuesday, August 7, the right-wing and Uribe presidency of Colombia was assumed by Iván Duque, in the midst of a wave of murders of social and union leaders that has been taking place…

What does the (s)election of Ivan Duque in Colombia mean for Latin America and the Caribbean?

The historical perspective Exactly one hundred years ago, Marco Fidel Suarez took over the presidency of Colombia and coined the foreign policy guidelines called Respice Polum (“Let’s look at the pole” or “towards the North”) or the Suarez Doctrine. Since…

Colombia struggles to build trust in the state as peace process rumbles on

 Gwen Burnyeat, UCL for The Conversation In the Colombian peace plebiscite of 2016, 50.2% of voters rejected the Havana Accords signed between the government and the FARC guerrilla movement. This they did after a sensationalist No campaign exploited a lack…

Mixed responses to the Nobel Peace Prize given to Colombian President

Many are outraged that this year’s Nobel Peace Price went to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos. Others thought it is a good idea that will support the continuation of the Peace process in spite of the NO vote. Here are…

The Arab Peace Initiative and the International Community: Concerted Efforts for Its Implementation

by Walid Salem for The Palestine-Israel Journal With the ongoing stalemate on the Israeli-Palestinian bilateral track, all who actively seek peace still see the Arab Peace Initiative (API) of 2002 as a potential point of departure for breaking the impasse,…

Philippines: Military and police support Bangsamoro law

The Philippine National Police (PNP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)  affirm support for passage of Bangsamoro law, stated in a release dated February 12, 2015 by the Philippines government press office (Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace…

Syrian Opposition Refuses Direct Talk

The U.N.-brokered Syrian peace talks have hit a new snag today with opposition delegates refusing to meet directly with government counterparts. The two sides were due for their first face-to-face talks in Geneva after an opening round of speeches on…

Protests in UK about invitation to Alvaro Uribe to talk about the Colombian peace process

Canning House and the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) have invited former president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, to speak on 31 October about “What Price is Peace in Colombia?” A number of Human Rights and Latin American organisations are staging…

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