
Peace conference

Dennis Kucinich Speaks at UN for Nuclear Weapons Ban

By Dennis J. Kucinich, on Behalf of the Basel Peace Office Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly, High Level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament, Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Your Excellency, President of the General Assembly, Distinguished Ministers, Delegates and Colleagues:…

October 1st In Berlin, let’s face the challenge of peace!

First, let’s look at the current veil of tears and then lift it up to reveal a possible better future. The transatlantic defence alliance has been expanding and flexing its muscles. Russia and China feel threatened and are trying to…

South Korea: religious leaders’ peace conference

Northeast Asian Leaders to Cooperate for Alliance of Religions and Peace HWPL holds a Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Religious Leaders’ Peace Conference Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea – A Korea- China- Japan Trilateral Religious Leaders’ Peace Conference was held in Gyeonggi, Korea on…

An invite to end all wars

Invitation to watch the live broadcast of the Proclamation of Declaration of the International Convention for Cessation of War To Whom It May Concern: It is an email from the Hong Kong office of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of…

Korea-UN: Political peace conference needed

UNITED NATIONS: POLITICAL PEACE CONFERENCE NEEDED! Please sign our petition: Dear United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, On this 70th anniversary of Korea’s division, we urge the United Nations to broker a Political Peace Conference, as called for in Article…

A Common Vision – The Abolition of Militarism

By Mairead Maguire JUNE 6 – In this column, Mairead Maguire, peace activist from Northern Ireland and Nobel Peace Laureate 1976, argues that exactly 100 years after the start of the First World War, now is the time for a…