
palm oil

Palm Oil: The Ingredient Behind Human Rights Abuses and Eco-Destruction That’s Probably in Your Home Right Now

Palm oil is found in 50 percent of all consumer goods. And it’s killing the environment. By Reynard Loki ​​“Oil palm is one of the world’s most prominent and effective vegetable oils globally, and is contributing 40 percent of global…

Ecuador: Environmental defenders sentenced to pay 151,000 dollars to palm grower

Four Afro-descendant farmers, defenders of the environment, will have to pay 151,000 dollars to the company Energy Palma, which exploits African palm in the province of Esmeraldas. Judge Fernando Saldarriaga of the Multicompetent Unit of the San Lorenzo canton, ruled…

TPP is more of the same failed approach to trade

Dear Tony,Mohammad Rubel, a 22-year-old Bangladeshi man, was trafficked from his home in Bangladesh to a Malaysian palm oil plantation. He traveled on a dangerous ocean journey during which dozens died, through a trafficking camp in the jungle where traffickers…