

Towards the end of human dignity

In response to the humanitarian appeal of the University of Birzeit in Palestine , the Edward Said Free Chair of Palestinian Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, pronounces: it is necessary to break the explanatory…

San Benigno gate. Genoa dock workers prepare to block weapons in transit to Israel

As has been happening for some years, dock workers in Italy manage to combine the fight for rights against all discrimination and exploitation, with concrete initiatives alongside oppressed peoples. They have built a network between all the dock workers and…

Latin America in front of the Palestinian Genocide

“It is not acceptable that the millions of people around the world who oppose the genocide and dispossession of the Palestinian people are powerless to stop the genocide. We can demand that the governments of Latin American countries withdraw their…

Students in Canada in Solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian Liberation

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) affirms its solidarity with Palestinian people in their ongoing fight against settler-colonialism, apartheid, occupation, and genocide.  For 75 years, Palestinians have been subject to extreme systemic violence due to the ongoing Zionist occupation through…

One day, two gatherings in Paris

This Sunday, October 22 in Paris, two events will have interested me, and one in particular will have allowed me to learn about a new French association of women committed to peace. A large rally calling for an immediate ceasefire…

Protests around the world demand immediate ceasefire in Gaza as 100,000 demonstrate for Palestinian rights in London

Demonstrations continue to take place around the world to demand an end to hostilities in the Gaza Strip. One of the largest protests took place this Saturday in London, where some 100,000 people marched to demand a ceasefire in the…

Appeal for a ceasefire and for the release of all civilian prisoners held by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad

The horrors of the war in Gaza have exceeded all limits and the main victims are the innocent civilian populations, Israelis and Palestinians. Over 1,400 Israelis and 5,000 Palestinians have died and thousands more are injured or missing. Let us…

Gaza: respect for human rights is needed

We received and [now] publish [the following text] from Milad Jubran Basir, Italian-Palestinian journalist: “The Israeli army, supported by Western powers, spares nothing in Gaza. Unfortunately, in addition to healthcare personnel, ambulances, schools, hospitals, civil protection offices and schools, UNRWA…

Israeli journalist Gideon Levy explains why Israel should lift the siege and cancel plans for a ground invasion of Gaza.

From Tel Aviv, we are joined by award-winning Israeli journalist and author Gideon Levy, whose latest column for Haaretz newspaper is entitled “Israel cannot imprison two million people in Gaza without paying a cruel price”. Levy analyses the reaction of…

Poor God and Allah

In the Middle East war, every death on one side or the other, every heart-rending scene, every indefensible shooting becomes justification and ammunition for the extremes that sustain that horrible thing called fanaticism. There are too many wise men (learned…

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