

2023 in Review: Reality Makes a Forceful Comeback

Three major issues dominated 2023: the conflict in Ukraine, the economy and the conflict in Palestine. The first two upheavals began in 2022, the third in 2023. In all three cases, developments brought about a head-on collision with largely concealed…

Gaza, new US veto at the UN: “War until the end of Hamas”.

The self-styled masters of the world, the United States of America, yesterday vetoed another UN resolution calling for a “ceasefire” in Palestine, timetabled by the United Arab Emirates. “If adopted, the resolution would also have requested the immediate and unconditional…

Journalists Pay the Ultimate Price: 63 Media Professionals Martyred in Israeli Aggression on Gaza

The Journalists Syndicate announced the martyrdom of 63 journalists since the beginning of the Israeli occupation forces’ aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7 of last month. A statement from the Freedom Committee of the Syndicate stated that the…

Riyad Mansour Palestinian UN rep addresses the 2MSP of TPNW.

The Permanent Observer, currently Riyad Mansour, is charged with representing the State of Palestine to the United Nations.Palestine has signed and ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). It was among the original 50 states parties to…

Genocide in Gaza, Activists Shut Down Manhattan Bridge. Demonstrators Disrupt Macy’s Parade Over Protest-Filled Weekend

In New York, over 1,000 peaceful protesters held a sit-in protest Sunday at the entrance to the Manhattan Bridge, halting traffic to downtown Brooklyn. Protesters, led by Jewish Voice for Peace, unfurled banners reading “Let Gaza Live” and “The Whole…

Nov 29: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

The United Nations’ International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People stands as a poignant reminder of the enduring quest for peace, justice, and recognition of the Palestinian cause. Observed annually on November 29th, this day serves as a platform…

Genuine information on major international issues: Ukraine and Palestine

We often hear that official media provide us with objective information, while independent social media are full of all types of materials, but much of it is disinformation, conspiracy theories and hate speech. This is sometimes true, but there’s another…

Ella Keidar, young Israeli conscientious objector: “Despite this horrible situation there is still hope”

Mesravot is a network of activists and refusenik (conscientious objectors who refuse to serve in the Israeli army because of its occupation policies). We talk with one of its activists, Ella Keidar, 17 years old, who lives in Tel Aviv.…

Denunciation to the International Criminal Court for genocide and other crimes (art. 15.1)

The unacceptable must be fought by all means On 9 November [2023] at 11 am in The Hague, a denunciation for genocide and other crimes (art.15.1) concerning Palestine in particular will be presented to the International Criminal Court. The underlying…

A joint Jewish-Arab declaration for peace

We – movements, organizations and activists, Jews and Arabs – write these words out of heavy mourning for the thousands of people killed in recent weeks, and out of terrible anxiety for the safety of the abducted and those who…

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