

U.S And Israel’s Violent Opposition To The BDS Movement

By Irwin Jerome All over the world, political speech and activism is being criminalized, no matter how peaceful, non-violent and warranted the protests may be. No where better can this criminalization be found than in Palestine where, for decades, Israeli…

UK: HSBC hit by protests at 20 branches over Israeli arms trade links

By the Palestinian BDS National Committee. Protests forced HSBC branches in London and Brighton to close today and protests were held at a total of 20 branches over the bank’s links with arms companies that supply weapons used by Israel…

When women get together peace is possible – Interview with Yael Deckelbaum

“Women of the World Unite” is the motto of Israeli-Canadian singer, songwriter and peace activist Yael Deckelbaum, uniting women and men all over the world in order to transcend all frontiers and to build together a future of Peace. She…

Marking the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War with a call to end the occupation of Palestine

In this month of the commemoration of 50 years of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, Pax Christi International in collaboration with its members, urges the international community to call for the immediate end of the 50-year Israeli occupation and…

Shared Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony under difficult circumstances

By Ilan Baruch, Yehudit Yinhar and Ina Darmstädter Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians participated in the alternative memorial ceremony organized annually by Combatants for Peace and the Bereaved Parents Circle, two distinguished Israeli-Palestinian peace movements, to pay tribute to the…

Middle East, Engulfed by a ‘Perfect Storm’

By Baher Kamal A perfect storm has engulfed the Middle East, and continues to threaten international peace and security. Hardly anyone could sum up the Middle East explosive situation in so few, blunt words as just did Nickolay Mladenov, the…

Barcelona votes to end complicity with Israeli occupation & illegal settlements

Press release by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC). Today, in light of Barcelona City Council’s vote to condemn Israel’s occupation, their call for an end to complicity in Israel’s violations of international law, and their affirmation of the legitimacy of…

A Marathon in Bethlehem – rather a promenade for the right to movement

Hebrew below It is probably the shortest marathon in the world. Bethlehem is encircled by the wall to such extent that there is no 42 km route that the sportsmen and women could pass. On the other hand not many…

New UN Report Confirms Israel is an “Apartheid” State

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in Palestinian society, has warmly welcomed as a “historic breakthrough” a report released today by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) that proves beyond doubt that…

Israel in violation of Oslo agreements while the world says nothing

From the Union of Agricultural Work Committees in Palestine comes the following press release which we publish to raise awareness of the level of feeling within Palestine at the continued abuse of Palestinian lands and people by the Israeli government…

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