
open letter

One thousand academics sign an open letter to the President of Columbia University in solidarity with student protest for Gaza

The open letter was started by a group of Indian academics, many of them active in prestigious universities around the world, including Suvrat Raju, a scientist in the field of quantum mechanics and black holes, and in just a few…

Peace activists appeal to Putin: Open letter calls for the release of Boris Kagarlitsky

In Russian below In a remarkable appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin, well-known peace activists from across Europe and beyond are calling for the release of Boris Kagarlitsky, a long-time peace campaigner. The letter underlines the profound ties between Europe…

Shipwreck in Pylos. Open letter by over 180 human rights organizations

Today on World Refugee Day, we jointly demand full and independent investigations into the events, clear consequences for those responsible, an end to the systematic pushback practices at the European borders, and justice for the victims. 10 years after the…

Stansted 15: Solidarity Open Letter and Protest outside the Home Office

A solidarity demonstration with the Stansted 15 – the activists convicted under anti-terror legislation for blocking a deportation flight in March 2017 –  took place this afternoon in London outside the Home Office. Many protesters were wearing pink to show…