

Face 2 Face with Hannah Lupien

On this show we speak with Hannah Lupien, Director of Special Initiatives at Queens Community House. As the Coronavirus pandemic impacts Queens’ population more than any other place in the country, social service organizations such as QCH have been faced…

New York City Prepares Nuclear Option

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War There really only is one option when it comes to nuclear weapons, and that is to do everything we can to abolish them before they abolish us. New York City Council will be voting…

No War With Iran: Day of Action

On Thursday, January 9, at 5 p.m. at Foley Square in NYC, the anti-war movement got together to oppose Trump’s war and say #NoWarWithIran. Trump’s reckless action has needlessly endangered countless lives of U.S. troops, Iraqis, Iranians, and countless other…

“No Hate No Fear” Solidarity March for Jewish Communities in NYC

“No Hate, No Fear” march against anti-Semitism in New York City on January 5th 2020. An estimated 25,000 people gathered in Foley Square in lower Manhattan and then walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. People from Montreal and Toronto Canada, Connecticut,…

Achieving the Possible: “Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East”

By Tariq Rauf A historic conference on the Middle East opened at the United Nations in New York on 18th November and will continue until 22nd November. The Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear…

Basic Income March from Harlem to the Bronx

By Jhon Sánchez and Photos by Franklin Chávez Pressenza’s crew joined the Basic Income March that took place in New York City, Saturday, October 26.  This initiative started under the leadership of Diane Pagen and the candidate to US congress…

The Secretary of the Navy Lied to Congress

Read this article from Friday: “Do U.S. High Schools Bar Military Recruiters? Activists Try to Call Pentagon’s Bluff.” It discusses the offer that Pat Elder and I made [Here’s that offer and video of Spencer lying] to award funding…

End Family Separation NYC Rally and March

Tens of thousands of protesters shuffled across the Brooklyn Bridge after more than 2,700 undocumented children have been separated from their parents when the zero-tolerance policy was put into effect by the Trump administration. The rally began at Foley Square in…

Fingerprints Of Islamic State On New York Attack

By Nauman Sadiq Eight people have been killed and more than a dozen injured after a truck mowed down people on a bike path in Lower Manhattan. FBI is treating the incident as an act of terrorism and the driver…

Photos: New York’s Annual Puerto Rican Day parade.

Thousands matched despite a controversy over honoring a man who spent 35 years in prison for his involvement with a group responsible for bombings that killed or maimed dozens in the 1970s and 1980. Corporate sponsors dropped out of Sunday’s…

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