
nuclear weapons

Let’s Eliminate Nuclear Weapons, Before They Eliminate Us

When UN Secretary-General António Guterres congratulated States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) on the successful conclusion of their first meeting in Vienna, his warning was dead on target. “Let’s eliminate these weapons before they…

Growing hope for humanity: 65 countries in Vienna say no to atomic weapons in TPNW declaration

In Vienna, a total of 65 countries with many others as observers and a large number of civil organisations, on Thursday 24 June and for three days, aligned themselves in the face of the threat of the use of atomic…

Why Peace and Disarmament Are at the Heart of Nonalignment

As our world spirals toward the catastrophe of nuclear war, there has never been a greater need for a new global balancing, a rejection of great power war, exploitation, and aggression. Now more than ever, we need to reject the…

To Swedish and Finnish citizens from Italy: NATO, if you know it you avoid it!

Open letter to Swedish and Finnish citizens men and women, and especially young people, who do not decide but will have the consequences of this decision about what joining NATO in 1949 meant for Italy. It is not easy to…

NATO membership requires stronger work for disarmament

In connection with the Social Democrats’ announcement that they have changed their position on the issue of Swedish NATO membership, Swedish Doctors Against Nuclear Weapons make clear demands to ensure that Sweden remains nuclear-weapon-free – both territorially and in policy.…

Nikos Stergiou: We have the opportunity to revive the anti-nuclear movement in Greece

On the occasion of the campaign against nuclear weapons #SaveTheCity we talk to Nikos Stergios, President and founding member of the Greek office of the organization World Without Wars and Violence. We know that World Without Wars and Violence has…

The Red Scare

(IDN) — In 1954 I attended Queens College during the years before Senator Joseph McCarthy finally met his comeuppance at the Army-McCarthy hearings after terrorizing Americans for years with accusations of disloyal communists, waving lists of blacklisted citizens, threatening their…

“We don’t have much time to change the course of history”

On the occasion of the Asian Peace Conference that took place on the 3rd of April 2022, Pressenza editor, Tony Robinson gave an intervention on the subject of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy in Asia and the need to eliminate…

Appeal by Nobel Peace Prize winners against war and nuclear weapons

Open Letter From Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and Citizens of the World Against War and Nuclear Weapons: We reject war and nuclear weapons. We call on all our fellow citizens of the world to join us in protecting our planet,…

Citizens of the world are against war and nuclear weapons

The following statement from the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), was signed by 12 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. As Nobel Peace Prize Laureates we reject war and nuclear weapons. We call on all our fellow citizens…

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