
nuclear weapons

Oliver Stone visits Hiroshima and Nagasaki, stresses ideal of nuclear abolition

“Harry Truman opened a Pandora’s box 68 years ago when he dropped the bomb here at Nagasaki, and Hiroshima. Pandora’s box means, problems that beset the world are still enormous. We still have 17 thousand plus nuclear weapons in the…

What about the global ‘red line’ for nukes

By Ramesh Jaura* | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis BERLIN (IDN) – Reputed to be an ardent campaigner for a nuclear weapons free world, ICAN has yet again called upon the powers-that-be to ban all nukes threatening the very survival of planet Earth and entire…

US near miss 1961 atomic bomb accident revealed

‘A secret document, published in declassified form for the first time by the Guardian today, reveals that the US Air Force came dramatically close to detonating an atom bomb over North Carolina that would have been 260 times more powerful…

Hans Blix tells UK it does not need Trident. But war is already a little nuclear

At the Hay literary festival Hans Blix, nuclear weapons inspector whose advice was spectacularly disregarded over Iraq’s WMD, has told the UK that renewal of its Trident nuclear capability with a cost of £100 billion would not serve any purpose,…

Throwing Gas on the Fire in North Korea

Throwing Gas on the Fire in North Korea     The U.S.-North Korea nuclear crisis is not over. While tensions seem to have eased in the past few weeks, the situation remains dangerous and potentially volatile. It is in this…

Statement on the situation on the Korean Peninsula

Statement on the situation on the Korean Peninsula Humanist Association of Hong Kong April 15, 2013 Press release The Humanist Association of Hong Kong notes with concern the escalation of tension on the Korean Peninsula and is totally opposed to…

David Cameron promotes nuclear proliferation

On a visit to Scotland, the home of UK nuclear weapons, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron said, “We cannot be sure on issues of nuclear proliferation, and to me having that nuclear deterrent is quite simply the best insurance…

Embarassment for Cameron as former Defence Secretary pours scorn on nuclear claims

In this Press Release from the UK’s Scottish Nationalist Party Michael Portillo (former Conservative Defence Secretary) and Bill Kidd (Member of the Scottish Parliament) respond to UK Prime Minister’s statements in Scotland on nuclear deterrence. David Cameron was facing derision…

Protestors descend on the Atomic Weapons Establishment to say ‘Scrap Trident’

Thousands protested today at the Atomic Weapons Establishment in Aldermaston: calling on the government to scrap the Trident nuclear weapons system and cancel its replacement. Opposing the reckless waste of £100 billion for new nuclear weapons, the crowds listened to impassioned…

North Korea’s declared State of War: Rhetoric or Madness?

Here we publish the press realease from the international organisation, World without Wars and Violence: Regarding the situation in the Korean Peninsula and the policy of nuclear deterrence Members of World without Wars and Violence are extremely concerned about the…

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