
nuclear weapons

Wave goodbye to nuclear weapons

Governments will meet at the United Nations over four weeks in April-May 2015 for the five-yearly review of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Civil society is calling on governments to end the threat of nuclear weapons by negotiating for their…

Reducing the risk of inadvertent nuclear war

John Hallam writing on Abolition Caucus highlights the content of a New York Times editorial opinion piece written jointly by Generals Cartwright and Dvyorkin saying that the Op Ed is incredibly important and timely. He adds that they have both…

Nuclear Weapons: the gap, the pledge and the ban

Human Wrongs Watch By Daniel Högsta* 15 April 2015 – As the Review Conference of the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT RevCon) approaches, the Humanitarian Initiative, most recently punctuated by the success of the Vienna Conference, faces an important milestone.  …

[UK] Michael Fallon and Ed Miliband are both wrong about Trident

By DAVID WEARING 10 April 2015 for OpenDemocracy. Westminster’s pro-nuclear consensus is held together by irrational speculation about future threats. Trident must be decommissioned for the sake of life on our planet. Tory Defence Secretary Michael Fallon didn’t really want…

Disarmament of Nuclear and ‘Conventional’ Weapons Urgent amid Mounting Global Violence

Human Wrongs Watch New York – The United Nations disarmament chief on 6 April 2015 urged Member States to work actively and seek common ground on disarmament issues related to nuclear weapons and conventional arms amid a period of increasing global tensions…

NATO and Russia—a tragedy unfolding

By Gunnar Westberg, IPPNW. In 1984 a group from IPPNW Sweden met with the Norwegian general Tönne Huitfeldt, at that time Chief of the Military Staff of NATO. He was a man with great confidence in himself and in the…

State of affairs & challenges of the Fukushima nuclear disaster

The State of Affairs and Ongoing Challenges of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: a Civil Society Response Towards Recovery,  intends to answer questions such as: –  What have been the impacts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster? –  What is the current condition…

NO NUKES DAY – Unified Action Against Nuclear Power! Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts!

Photos by Yoko Narita Version in Japanese This Wednesday, March 11th marks the 4th anniversary of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Over the weekend, prior to its anniversary, many memorial services and public…

Moratorium on any new nuclear arms spending

If the US really want “arms control” we should disband NATO, take our missiles out of Poland, Romania and Turkey (Turkey for the second time, since JFK took them out of Turkey once before in a deal for the USSR…

Ali Khamenei: Nuclear weapons sinful, West fears a developed and independent Iran

In these extracts, Sayed Ali Khamenei reveals the real reasons behind the Western persecution against Iran on the nuclear issue. It is useful to recall them at a time when in spite of Netanyahu’s raving, a deal seems closer than…

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