
nuclear weapons

Three minutes from apocalypse?

The “doomsday clock”, a respected measure of the world’s nearness to catastrophe, is again on the move. By Juan Gabriel Tokatlian [1] for openDemocracy At the very point of origin of the cold war, June 1947, a group of scientists…

Hunger strikers mark nuclear anniversary in August

70 years after Hiroshima, we demand nuclear disarmament! We are groups of fasters who have decided to deny ourselves nourishment for 4 days, from August 6th, the anniversary of Hiroshima, till August 9th, the anniversary of Nagasaki, to express our…

Trident whistleblower William McNeilly ‘sacked to save the Navy’s image’

William McNeilly, the Royal Navy whistleblower who exposed security and safety flaws in  Britain’s nuclear-armed submarines, has left the Navy and will not face court martial or any further punishment for his actions. In a new nine-page report published online,…

P5 at Nuclear conference: “The sun revolves around the Earth!”

Last Friday saw the predictable failure of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference to reach any consensus on disarmament measures.  The refusal of Israel to admit to the existence of their nuclear arsenal and to take part in a conference…

UK Trident system is “so broken it can’t even do the tests that prove it works”, says whistleblower

Engineering failures on Trident submarine place crew at risk and raise doubts over whether missiles could actually be launched, says whistleblower This article comes from the Nuclear Information Service website. A Royal Navy whistleblower has exposed a shocking catalogue of…

US policies belie claims of NPT article VI compliance

The story being presented by the US delegation to this NPT Review Conference that gradual nuclear disarmament is underway is an egregious falsehood. The reality of US policy is exactly the opposite. By Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study…

NPT review conference: A document or not?

By Susi Snyder* Looking at this NPT review conference, one of the big questions is whether there will be a [final outcome] document, or not. At this point, it’s what everyone is talking about – in the halls, in the…

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula?

By Gunnar Westberg, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Can Korea be reunited after almost 70 years of complete division between North and South? This is the dream of many in the older generation in both parts of…

NPT review conference underway in New York. Don’t get excited: nuclear disarmament is not on the horizon

The 5-yearly cycle of reviewing the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty got underway last week at the United Nations in New York but not before civil society organisations had organised hundreds of events around the world and in the Big Apple, under…

Will the NPT face the facts?

By John Loretz of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War When the 2015 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) opens in New York next week, the 190 member states will have to…

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