
nuclear weapons

UK budget: Austerity continues as Trident spending rises

Former UN weapons inspector Hans Blix said in 2013 that ‘the UK will not be more protected if it extends life of Trident [the UK’s nuclear weapons system], at a cost of £100bn.’ ‘Delivering the 2013 Joseph Rotblat lecture to…

Day Seven at the ICJ: Making a Big Fuss

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) today concluded the preliminary phase of oral arguments in nuclear disarmament cases brought by the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) against India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom. The hearings, which took place at…

ICJ Day Six, Round Two: Appealing to Sentiment

Yesterday afternoon, the United Kingdom completed its oral arguments in the case brought against it by the Marshall Islands at the International Court of Justice. Sir Daniel Bethlehem, Counsel for the United Kingdom, opened his pleadings on a seemingly conciliatory…

Day Four at the ICJ: Aspirational Rhetoric vs. Real Actions

By Rick Wayman and Jackie Cabasso India presented oral arguments today at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the nuclear disarmament case brought by the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). India has challenged the jurisdiction of the ICJ…

Day Three: What Is the Sound of One Hand Clapping?

By Rick Wayman The United Kingdom presented oral arguments at the opening session of the Marshall Islands vs. United Kingdom case today at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The Marshall Islands filed an application against the UK – and…

Day Two at the ICJ: Where Is Pakistan?

Observers arrived at the International Court of Justice this morning expecting to hear the first in a series of four days of oral arguments in the Marshall Islands vs. Pakistan nuclear disarmament case. Instead, Judge Ronny Abraham, President of the…

Day One at the ICJ: Marshall Islands shines against India

It was an historic day at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as oral arguments in the first-ever contentious cases on nuclear disarmament began at the ICJ. The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) argued strongly in favor of the…

Marshall Islands’ nuclear weapons case to be heard in The Hague

Like the Nazgul, in Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings, the nine nuclear-armed states wield a power to destroy us all.  Will Frodo Baggins (in the form of the Republic of the Marshall Islands) a mild-mannered hobbit that never had cause…

New Nuclear Hysteria in the Middle East

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* 29 February 2016 (IPS) –  When the tsunami of panic around Iran’s potential capability to develop nuclear weapons reached its peak some three years ago, a combined diplomatic, media campaign warning that a Gulf…

Nuclear disarmament: Nations urged to not repeat the mistakes of the last 40 years

Today, in Geneva, Switzerland, talks start to take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations for the achievement and maintenance of a world without nuclear weapons.  Despite the absence of the permanent 5 members of the UN Security Council – those countries…

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