
nuclear weapons

Obama’s Trillion-Dollar Nuclear-Arms Train Wreck

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” These were the words from the Hindu religious text, the Bhagavad-Gita, that flashed through the mind of the man credited with creating the first atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, as the…

Nuclear weapon ban treaty – the only way forward

Last year, the UN General Assembly approved the formation of an Open Ended Working Group on the subject of “Taking Forward Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations”.  Work started in February and will finish in August.  In the first sessions a range…

G7 Hiroshima meeting should committ to eliminate nuclear weapons

10 APRIL 2016 PEOPLE FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT G7 HIROSHIMA MEETING SHOULD COMMITT TO ELIMINATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS The G7 meeting scheduled for 10 and 11th April in Hiroshima should commit unequivocally to the total and complete elimination of nuclear weapons,…

How we can make our vision of a world without nuclear weapons a reality

This piece by President Barack Obama of the United States, below, was published in the Washington Post on March 30th, shortly before a gathering of dozens of world leaders at the Nuclear Security Summit which attempted to tackle the subject…

The Marshall Islands vs the world’s nuclear powers: questions and answers

From the 7th to the 16th of March at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the tiny Republic of the Marshall Islands (population 53,000) presented its preliminary arguments in cases brought against the United Kingdom (population 63 million),…

Another kind of Nuclear Security Summit: The Marshall Islands vs. the Nuclear-Armed States

By Jacqueline Cabasso The recent Nuclear Security Summit hosted by President Obama in Washington, DC generated a goodly amount of hype, including some well-deserved criticism of its narrow focus on securing civilian highly enriched uranium (HEU) and other modest, voluntary…

Iran urges that the non-proliferation norm should be applied globally and without exception

Iranian representative to the UN says a step-by-step approach to achieve nuclear disarmament has failed; a comprehensive nuclear convention is needed to reach the desired state of a world free of nuclear weapons.  The full text of the statement by Gholamhossein…

Alice Slater ‘Sitting ducks: Dangerous & dumb to keep building nuclear power plants’

Alice Slater’s interview with just before the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, USA.  The transcript is below. “One doesn’t need nukes to attack a nuclear power plant,” says Alice Slater from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. “A simple explosive…

Obama’s nuclear summit – it wasn’t…

Obama gathered ‘world leaders’ in Washington this past week to once again attempt to justify his ‘Nobel Peace Prize’.  He failed.  (In the final group photo Kiev’s Petro Poroshenko is standing behind Obama.  He grabbed $335 million in US military…

93% of Germans rejects nuclear weapons

The overwhelming majority of Germans – a staggering 93 per cent – want nuclear weapons to be banned just as chemical and biological weapons have been banned, according to an opinion poll commissioned by the German chapter of the International…

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